There Are No Half Christians

There Are No Half Christians

Ministry Update January 20, 2019

Kelly and I had a great time witnessing Friday night. We handed out tracts and I brought the first message. One man across the street from us listened to part of the message. Then Kelly preached after me about holiness. He had a quiet mocker say something as he drove by, but we couldn’t hear him. Then two men across the street mouthed off. We couldn’t hear the first one either, but the second one yelled “That’s the old covenant.” Oh, that was the crux of Kelly’s message. We run into people all the time who profess to be Christians while living in debauchery. But the best line of the night was yet to come and it wasn’t from a mocker. 

As Kelly continued his message, a young man rode up on a bicycle and stopped at the stop sign near us. He looked behind him and there were no cars, so he sat there listening to Kelly. The young man was agreeing with Kelly’s preaching on holiness, so Kelly looked over at him and said, “Isn’t that right?” To which the young man replied, “There are no half Christians.” Amen! Now that will preach! As the young man rode off, I think Kelly said something like that’s a Christian who gets it. Amen to that.

Omnist And His Friend

After Kelly finished open-air preaching, we handed out tracts. A couple of guys took tracts and stopped to talk to us. The guy Kelly talked to said that he’s an Omnist. He believes all religions are good. I talked to his friend Joshua who just believes in being good. I wanted to talk to him about how we can’t wipe out or undo our sins, but I didn’t get the chance to say that. Both guys liked to talk and I don’t think we got very far with either of them, but we did share the Gospel with them and we encouraged them to read the tracts that we gave them.

Then we ended the night talking to Hayden and McKenzie. Hayden took a tract. Both of them go to church, but based on some of the things Hayden said, I shared my testimony with them. It was starting to rain harder at that point (and cold out), so as they started to leave, I encouraged him to read the tract. May God bless the messages, the conversations and the tracts. May the Lord draw lost souls to Himself as only He can do.

Why Does God Kill Babies?

What a difference a week makes. Last week I handed out around 25 tracts the whole time I was at Missouri State University. This week I handed out over 40 tracts before I started open-air preaching. I had a couple of mockers. I don’t remember what the first guy said, but he just mouthed off and kept walking. The second guy walked right up to me and asked, “Why does God kill babies?”

It was toward the end of my message, but unfortunately, he really didn’t want to have a real discussion. He asked the question and walked off before I could answer him. So I turned around and answered as he walked away. I told him that we live in a fallen world. Babies die because we live in a sinful, fallen world. You and I die, because we live in a sinful, fallen world. But the day you die, when you die in your sins, you won’t be mocking God on that day. You will not be mocking God. Whatsoever a man sows, that shall he also reap. You won’t be asking God why babies die or why children starve. You won’t be asking questions like that on Judgment Day.

No Mocking Only Shame On Judgment Day

On Judgment Day, you will feel shame and you won’t be mocking. Because God is going to remind you of every sin that you’ve ever committed sir and you will be without excuse. You will bow your knee to Jesus and confess that He is Lord and He’s going to have His servants cast you into the lake of fire and brimstone. This is not a joke. This is serious. There is nothing more important than your eternal soul. You can mock God your whole life, until the last breath you take in this life. But people in Hell know that it is real. They know that they shouldn’t have mocked God their whole life and died and gone to Hell. But that’s where they are at. Don’t join them. Hell is real. Jesus talked about it and He said many people are on that broad road.

Speaking of the broad road, earlier in the message I asked, “What does it take for you to go to Hell?” About that time a young man was walking by and he slowed down nearly to a complete stop because he wanted to hear the answer. So I told him, “Absolutely nothing.” If you are alive and breathing, then you have sinned against God. We’ve all lied, lusted, coveted, disobeyed our parents and have not worshipped God above all else our whole lives. If Jesus is not your Lord and Savior, then you don’t have to do anything to go to Hell. Just keep walking on that broad road to destruction. I don’t know what answer the young man expected to hear, but when I said absolutely nothing, he just kept walking. Sadly, it was a picture of people walking down the broad road to destruction and not caring about their own soul.

(These updates are given to encourage Christians to share the Gospel with this lost and dying world)

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