Dear Moron Preacher

Dear Moron Preacher

Ministry Update March 25, 2018

It’s a warm night, you get to your witnessing spot downtown and you look around and see people milling around and you think it’s going to be a good night lifting up the name of Jesus. Then you notice a piece of paper taped the sidewalk, curious, you walk over and read it. The note starts off “Dear Moron Preacher.” The person with very nice penmanship basically suggested that I move to another corner because other people need to hear the Gospel too. They really weren’t concerned about others (nor their own soul), they just didn’t want to hear any more messages. Well, I have to admit mockers don’t always make you laugh, but I chuckled at this one. At least this mocker had a good sense of humor. 

Jeff came up from Arkansas and witnessed with me Friday night. After we both laughed at the dear moron preacher note, Jeff started us off. He just got started when a car load of people drove by with one of the guys in the back, yelling hail Satan. The same car came around again and the guy mocked again. But he was just the first of many vocal mockers. Another guy yelled that Jeff should be reading the Bible that he was holding in his hand. Jeff was quoting Scripture (Romans 1) from memory, but the guy thought he should be reading it instead of saying “what he wanted it to say.”

Hail Satan Mocker

Professing Christians Can’t Share The Gospel

One woman walked up and recorded Jeff open-air preaching. She took a tract from me and walked over and stood right in front of him. After she said she didn’t have a question, she gave Jeff a fist bump. I brought a message after Jeff and a woman playing a guitar and singing across the street started heckling. Another guy walking behind us a block over heckled too. We had several mockers that night. The saddest part was a few people claimed to be Christians, but when Jeff questioned them even a little bit, they got offended or said they didn’t have time to talk. Not a single professing Christian could clearly share the Gospel or tell us how they are going to Heaven.

I Go To Church Professing Christian

One guy walked by, refused a tract and told Jeff that he goes to church. But he couldn’t relay the Gospel. A woman was sitting in a car at the stop sign and said that she’s going to Heaven. When asked how she’s going to get there, she promptly rolled up her window. Later on, we walked around and handed out tracts. Jeff tried to hand one to a guy who said he didn’t need it, that he had Sunday school lessons at home (inferring that he’s a Sunday school teacher). Jeff asked him to share the Gospel and the guy said he didn’t have time for that. Thankfully, as he started walking away, Jeff asked him if he would take the tract and he did. May the man read it and may the Lord convict him and grant him repentance and faith in Jesus. Again, the sad thing is we didn’t run into a single professing Christian that could share the Gospel or tell us (biblically) how they are getting to Heaven.

Sinless Perfectionist Worried About Christians Serving In Military

We ended the night talking to a couple of sinless perfectionist guys that were holding signs. I’ve tried to talk to them before to no avail, but Jeff wanted to give it a shot. He actually reasoned with a young man for a while and the young man agreed with much of what Jeff was sharing with him. But then they wanted to know if we think Christians can serve in the military. I said every conversation with them digresses into this secondary issue of military service. Then I said shouldn’t we keep the Gospel as the main thing? Both guys became animated when I said that. The older guy kept saying that it goes against the Gospel and according to him the Gospel is the sermon on the mount, Matthew Chapter 5. He even really narrows it down to the beatitudes.

Jeff and I both tried to reason with them about the Gospel. In fact, I read 1 Corinthians 5:1-4 to them, but their best argument was that Paul said this and not Jesus. Then Jeff reminded them that all Scripture is inspired by God and is profitable for teaching, reproof, correction and training (2 Timothy 3:16-17) and that it is wrong to just focus on the red letters of the Bible. The whole Bible is inspired by God. Since we couldn’t reason with them, we finally had to say have a good night and move on. But it was another blessed night of witnessing. I’ve been called a lot of things while out street witnessing, but this was the first time being called a moron preacher. I’m ok with that because I’m just a follower of Jesus who is thankful that the Lord in His great mercy and grace saved me and He compels me to go and share the Gospel with this lost and dying world (Mark 16:15).

Apathy Mockers Encouragers

At MSU on Wednesday most students were apathetic, like normal. But I also had a few mockers. Quinn the skateboarding atheist doesn’t want to come out and play anymore. He mouthed off as he walked by me but didn’t stop to talk. Then an older man spoke loud enough to the woman next to him that I could hear him question what good it does to yell at people. I do lift my voice up so people can hear the message as they are walking toward me and as they walk away from me. After that a guy walked up to me and held his t-shirt out so I could see the picture on the front. I could tell that he was a mocker, but I really couldn’t see the shirt very well. It was picture of a nun and I think she was smoking marijuana, but I really couldn’t tell. I blurred the picture out for this update just in case it is something offensive.

There were a couple of encouragers as well. One woman toward the end waved at me. I’ve given her a Bible before to give to a student that she had witnessed to. She loves hearing Jesus lifted up as she walks by. A little earlier a group of grade school or middle school students walked by. It was a very large group. I was preaching about Jesus suffering on behalf of guilty sinners and one student gave a great big thumbs up as he walked by. I told him to have a great day. There was also a guy sitting by the fountain that listened to most of the message. It was good to be back on campus after the students had been off for spring break.

March For Our Lives

Brain invited me to join him witnessing downtown at the March For Our Lives event, so we witnessed there for a couple of hours on Saturday. I brought a sign that has John 17:3 on one side and John 3:36 on the other. Of course, both verses talk about eternal life. We also handed out a couple of hundred Gospel tracts including the What Is The Meaning Of Life tracts. A few people asked me to stop so they could read the sign and a couple of people said thanks for being there. But I also received several dirty looks as if to say, “What are you doing here? This isn’t about religion, it’s about stopping gun violence.”

One woman refused a tract and said she didn’t want that bull crap. Another person gave Brian back a tract that I had given them. (I used to refuse to take tracts back, but I don’t anymore. They will have to give an account on Judgment Day for their blatant rejection of the Gospel). One young man walked up to me while I was holding the sign and wanted to know if I was for or against guns. I told him that I am for life, eternal life. Then I handed him a What Is The Meaning of Life tract. Surprisingly he took it.


Planned Parenthood Invited To March For Our Lives

The crowd appeared to be very liberal. A Black Lives Matter group marched around the square several times. By the time they finished marching so many people joined them that the participants went half way around the square. But the most ironic part was that three people were there representing Planned Parenthood.  Are you kidding me? I guess Brian and I were the only ones who saw the hypocrisy of a march for our lives protesting gun violence that invited Planned Parenthood to set up at the rally. Planned Parenthood kills 900 babies a day across our country and they support the over 3,000 babies that are murdered daily overall. Planned Parenthood is for abortion on demand at anytime at taxpayer expense. They are even for partial birth abortions. So I guess our lives only matter if our lives make it past being viciously murdered at or before birth. May God wake our nation up to this great evil of our generation. Abortion must end.


(These updates are given to encourage Christians to share the Gospel with others)

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