Enemy of God
If you don’t believe in God do you consider yourself an enemy of God? What if you are a false convert (For an example of a false convert go to My Testimony), do you think you are an enemy of God? [Read more…]
If you don’t believe in God do you consider yourself an enemy of God? What if you are a false convert (For an example of a false convert go to My Testimony), do you think you are an enemy of God? [Read more…]
I thought I was saved, spiritually born again at age 11. I now know that I was not saved back then. I only truly became a follower of Jesus Christ about three years ago. How can I be so sure that I was a false convert when I was 11 years old? [Read more…]
When my youngest daughter gets into trouble she says “sawree”. What she is trying to say is that she’s sorry, but she says it quickly, flippantly and with no real feelings or meaning. Repentance means more than just saying your sorry. True repentance is more than saying your sorry and really meaning it. True repentance means turning away from your sins and turning toward God. [Read more…]
Have you ever driven on the wrong road? If you’ve ever driven a car at all you have probably taken a wrong turn before. How did you handle your mistake? Did you worry about it? Or did you just laugh it off as no big deal? [Read more…]
What is the purpose of life? Is it just to wake up in the morning, eat, get dressed, go to work, come home and yell at the kids a little bit, eat supper, watch a little t.v., go to bed and get up the next day and do it all over again? Is this really what life is all about? Is it really just about getting by, getting through, rushing to the end? Is what’s waiting for you at the end just the end? [Read more…]
I was recently talking to a young man who moved here from Africa and he’s been in America for a little over a year. We had a really good conversation. After we talked about the plan of salvation I asked him if it made sense to him. He said it did. [Read more…]
You don’t need a theology degree from a seminary to understand the Gospel (the Good News of Jesus Christ). Here it is: the Gospel in a nutshell:
1. God made us and God loves us.
2. We messed up (we’ve sinned by breaking the 10 Commandments).
3. There’s nothing we can do on our own to fix it (we can’t be good enough, do more good than bad, or do good works). Salvation is a free gift from God.
4. We just need to receive this amazing gift. We broke God’s Law, Jesus paid our death penalty for us. Confess and turn away from your sins and put your full trust in Jesus alone.
If you haven’t done this already, won’t you choose salvation today?
You may be a good parent who takes your child or children to church. If so, you have probably heard the Proverb train (raise) up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it (Prov. 22:6). [Read more…]
Have you ever bought cheap wine (I don’t drink alcohol anymore and I don’t endorse drinking), cheap furniture or a cheap car? How did any of these things work out for you? Usually when you buy something cheap it doesn’t last as long or it just isn’t as good as something that’s better quality. [Read more…]
In every other religion in the world you have to DO something. In all the other religions you have to “earn” your way into heaven. Men in these false religions are trying to reach God by their works. The problem with these religions (besides being Christ-less) is that how do you determine when you have done enough? Several world religions believe that you have to do more good than bad in your life. How in the world would you ever know when you’ve accomplished this? [Read more…]