I Say My Prayers But Do I Ever…
I say my prayers, but I do I ever really pray? I pray for my lost loved ones, friends, co-workers, customers, false converts at my old church, false converts at my current church, my friend’s lost loved ones, for those who need healing, those who need financial help, those who are suffering from the death of a loved one and brothers and sisters in Christ around the world who are suffering persecution. [Read more…]
Why Do Some People Hate Jesus?
Do you hate anyone tonight? Are you currently fighting with a loved one or a friend? Is there a person in your life that you used to be really close to, but now you are mortal enemies? Who do you hate tonight? Is there someone that you hate with a passion?
Funny Does Not Equal Happiness and…
Robin Williams died yesterday, apparently by committing suicide. Fame and fortune will not give you joy and funny does not equal happiness and true joy is only found in Jesus Christ our Lord. Only Jesus can fill you with the peace that passes all understanding. Only Jesus can give you joy unspeakable and full of glory. Only Jesus can cleanse you from your sins. Do you know Him? Have you surrendered your life fully to Him? If not, cry out to the Lord to save you. Confess and forsake your sins. Repent and put your faith in Jesus and receive everlasting life. Be saved today. Don’t put this off. Turn from your sins and turn to Jesus. Then keep your eyes on Jesus Christ, keep your mind on the eternal and not on the temporary – here and now.
I recently replaced a couple of toilets in my house. I hate doing this kind of work; plus I always worry that if I make a mistake, it could end up costing us a lot more money. But the handyman I called came out to the house, but then he never called me back with a bid. So my wife kept telling me that we could do it ourselves. We have replaced toilets in the past, so she was confident that we could replace them. [Read more…]
Do You Love Him or Do You Love Sin?
Who do you love? A spouse, a child, a friend? What do you love? What consumes your thoughts and your dreams? What consumes your time, energy and money? What do you love the most in this world? Who do you love in this world, more than anyone else? Who has your heart? Who or what do you truly love? [Read more…]
The Suffering of Christ
I was witnessing at MSU last year and a young lady came up to me and said if I thought they were going to be held more responsible on Judgment Day because they heard and rejected the Gospel, wouldn’t she have been better off if I wasn’t there witnessing to her. For some reason, God keeps bringing this to my mind and all I keep thinking about is: there is no air-conditioning in Hell and there are no plush suites in Hell. Hell is Hell. So is it fair that unrepentant sinners go there when they die? Is it fair? [Read more…]
20/20 Vision
How good is your vision? When is the last time that you had your eyes tested? I have worn glasses since I was in the fourth grade (a long, long time ago). I was shocked back then when I put on my first pair of glasses and I could actually read the restaurant and gas station signs along the street. Without my glasses, I could only see the vague shape of the sign and I couldn’t even begin to read the signs. Now 40 years later I have 20/20 vision – with my glasses on. [Read more…]
What Do You Want Independence From?
Kids want to be independent from their parents. Many workers want to be independent from their boss or their companies. In America, many people want to be a “self-made man.” We want to do things on our own. We are independent people. Most of us want to be independent from something. What do you want independence from? [Read more…]
You Are a Joke!
“You are a joke! Don’t you know that everyone’s laughing at you? Nobody wants you here. You are pushing people away from God. Nobody is listening.” These are just some of the comments that a very loud and very irate woman made last Friday night while several of us were open-air preaching on the square. She was very aggressive. She spewed forth her questions with venom. I kept asking her if she had been drinking, but she wouldn’t answer the question. (By the way, how can it be that I was pushing people away from God and nobody listening; both at the same time? If they weren’t listening, how could I have pushed them away?) [Read more…]