Last week a friend of mine suggested that I tell people about the love of Jesus. I think this is an excellent suggestion. But before I tell you about the love of Jesus, I thought I’d start out by talking about God’s love. [Read more…]
I finished up open-air preaching at MSU on Tuesday February 16, 2016 and started handing out tracts when Aaron began preaching. I handed out a few tracts when they guy who last week said that he was human walked up with another guy and they stopped right in front of Aaron. I walked over to him and said you know last week when you said that you were human; I assume you meant that you are a humanist. He shook his head yes. I continued I thought about this the last week and we are all humans and the Bible says that we all have sinned. He told me that he didn’t have time to talk because he takes his job very seriously. I pointed out to him that I didn’t preach to him last week and that I wasn’t preaching to him that day, I actually walked over to see what he was petitioning for and he said that they were petitioning for all parents of elementary students to get free child care. I thanked him and he walked off to go to work somewhere else. [Read more…]
Do we have any Broncos fans out here tonight? After the Denver Broncos won the Super Bowl last Sunday, Peyton Manning said this in an interview: “I’m gonna drink a lot of Budweiser tonight, Tracy, I promise you that.” Peyton’s big plans after winning his second Super Bowl was to drink a lot of Budweiser. How many of you out here tonight are going to be like Peyton Manning? Are you planning on drinking a lot of Budweiser tonight? Is this your goal tonight? Are you planning on getting drunk tonight? [Read more…]
Aaron and I witnessed at MSU on Wednesday February 10, 2016. It was a really encouraging day. I went first and two students came up while I was preaching and they were grinning from ear to ear, one of them shook my hand and thanked me for sharing the Gospel. Then later on, a student walked up near me, he didn’t stop, but as he walked by he said “keep going.” [Read more…]
I was a false convert for 33 years. I originally said the sinner’s prayer when I was 11 years old. But I wasn’t really saved until 33 years later, when I was 44. How do I know that I wasn’t really saved when I walked that church aisle on a Sunday night in April 1974, even though I cried real crocodile tears on my way to the front of the church? Because my life was not changed. A saved life is a changed life; and my life had not been changed. I had some type of emotional, religious experience, but I did not encounter the living Christ that night in 1974. [Read more…]
Last Friday night Kelly and his son Steven joined us witnessing downtown and Kelly did something different. He handed out some tracts and sang hymns with us, but mostly he asked everybody that walked by: Can I pray for you tonight? Yes he had many rejections, but that didn’t faze him. He kept asking and praying and when the night was over he had prayed with 11 people. Praise God! [Read more…]
There were some professing Christians out here last week giving out free hugs. They were no different from the atheists that do the same thing downtown; they also hold up signs that say free hugs. If you received a hug last week, how would you know that it was from a professing Christian or a professing atheist? You wouldn’t. There is no difference. A free hug sign is a free hug sign and a hug from a stranger is a hug from a stranger – Christian or atheist. [Read more…]
I witnessed at MSU last Wednesday and I usually preach first, then hand out tracts. The students who walk by first hear the preaching and the ones who walk by later receive the tracts. So this time I mixed it up. I started off handing out tracts. A friend from church gave me 100 Atheist Test tracts from The Way of the Master. It only took about 15 minutes to hand them out. The whole time I did this, there were four students standing in the free speech zone where we normally preach and they were holding up signs that said: Free Hugs. They didn’t bother me when I was handing out tracts. [Read more…]
You are a Christian and you know that since you are saved, since you have eternal life, that you should share the Gospel of Jesus Christ with others. But you are scared. You don’t know where to start. You don’t know what to do. Fear not. Sharing your faith is…easy.
1. Buy some Gospel tracts – the ones seen in this video are from The Way of the Master (Living Waters) that a friend gave me to use at Missouri State University called The Atheist Test. 2. Go to a busy corner. 3. Smile, hold the tract outand say “did you get one of these?” or “hi” or “hello.”
You can share your faith in Jesus with others and it really is this easy. Jesus said go into all the world and preach the Gospel to every creature (Mark 16:15). There is no easier way to be obedient to Jesus than to hand out a Gospel tract. Will you do this? Sharing your faith is…easy, really easy.
In addition to some people wanting us to leave the Gospel out of our messages others want us to leave out The Law. They want us to leave out the 10 Commandments when we preach in the open-air. Whether we are downtown or at MSU, it’s not uncommon to hear “You preach hate.” Or “Tell them the love of Jesus.”“ And “that’s not now you love them to Jesus.” Or “You’re being judgmental.” “Judge not lest ye be judged.” “Only God can judge me.” [Read more…]