Ministry Update August 16 2015
Kelly and his son were the first ones downtown Friday night (and Kelly’s son wants to come downtown and hand out tracts – praise God!) and I joined them, so we handed out tracts before our other friends showed up. In the picture above, Kelly handed the lady a tract and he was trying to ask her spiritual questions, but she kept talking so much about random things, I’m not sure that he made much headway.
The rest of our group arrived, so we sang a few hymns and then I brought a message about our need to get real with God. Right off the bat a very aggressive heckler was really loud and verbally abusive to Aaron and while that was going on a man stood in front of me and kept flipping me off until I finally acknowledged him, then he walked away. Aaron stood firm against the aggressive man. I really thought the angry man was going to take a swing at him, but the man finally walked off in a huff.
Kelly was talking to the man pictured above in the hat, but then Kelly got on the box so Aaron started talking to the man in the hat (he wouldn’t give us his name). Then Aaron started street preaching, so I started talking to the man in the hat. He was quite frustrating to witness to because he kept changing his argument and he was constantly bringing up things that don’t matter.
Giants Ruled The Earth?
But in a nutshell his main concerns were that the rest of us don’t know that giants rule the earth (which he somehow thinks Genesis 6 backs up), that the Bible isn’t complete (and he puts much credence on these parts that were left out and his theory goes way beyond the apocrypha), that no one goes to Hell and that there is no death. The frustrating part was that he started off saying there is no Hell. So I walked him through several verses and later on he said that he didn’t say there isn’t a Hell, but that there is no death. So I walked him through several verses that say there is death and a second death. The whole time, he kept trying to talk about giants and angels.
It was blessing to have Margaret join us (she has such a heart for the Lord and for the lost). When we first started the night, a lady from Kelly’s church stopped and sang a hymn or two with us. At one point Kelly’s young son came up to me while I was talking to the man in the hat and Kelly’s son was needing more tracts. So I stopped for second to get him some more tracts and at the same time Erica was handing Kelly’s son more tracts while she was still recording Aaron preaching -now that’s multitasking! We ended the night singing a few more hymns. Many tracts were handed out and we pray that God will use His truth from the singing, one to ones, street preaching and tracts to draw lost souls to Himself.
Last Wednesday I went to Missouri State University. It was the week before the new fall semester starts, but there were groups of freshmen being shown around campus. In fact when I started open-air preaching, a student leader walked right in front of me with a group and looked at the new students and said that this (my preaching) wasn’t part of the school. This is true and its why I go there to witness. Overall it was a typical day of witnessing at the college where it’s mostly apathy from students walking by. But during the message a woman walked into a building near me and she yelled Amen before she went inside. It was the part of the message that Jesus died for our sins, that there is hope for guilty sinners like you and me, if you repent and surrender your life to Jesus. Have you done this? Are you saved?
(This ministry update is being posted to encourage Christians to share their faith in Jesus Christ with others. You don’t have to stand on a box on a street corner to serve our risen Lord and Savior. Yes, you can open your mouth and share your testimony. Anyone can hand someone a tract. You can get involved in God’s work to advance His kingdom. Christian: will you be obedient to God and share the Gospel?)
Good report, Dennis. God bless you, bro.
Thanks Brad.