I have an old high school friend that recently told me that I’m coming off as a Jesus freak on facebook. I think my friend is genuinely concerned for me and I think he warned me because he really cares. I thank him for his concern.
But I’m alright with coming off as a Jesus Freak. In fact, I bought a T-shirt about four years ago that says on the front: Yes, I am a … and on the back it says: Jesus freak. The reason I bought the shirt is because I thought I was saved at 11 years old, but from reading the Bible at age 44 I realized that I wasn’t really saved. God showed me through His Word that I was an unregenerate sinner and that I was on the road to Hell. I can assure you that as a person who thought they had been saved for 33 years (even though I knew I hadn’t been living my life for the Lord), it was quite a shock.
So right after I was truly saved – after I turned from my sins and put my faith in Jesus, I ran out and bought that shirt. I kept reading the Bible every day, but it wasn’t until 2 years later when God convicted me that I wasn’t sharing my faith with others. I thank Carla MacLachlan for loaning me The Way of the Master first season. After the second episode I knew I had to do something. This was in January or February 2009.
I ordered some Ten Commandment coins and started leaving them for waitresses when I left a tip. Now it has progressed to where I hand out gospel tracts, witness to people one on one, open-air preach, blog and facebook about Jesus. To my friends that I offend by the frequency of talking about Jesus I’m sorry that I offend you. But I’m not sorry for sharing the Gospel.
You see, I share the Gospel out of love. I am so grateful that God opened my spiritually blind eyes that I can’t do anything else except warn others of the fate they face. I am so grateful that Jesus is my Lord and Savior that I can’t hold it in to myself. I must let others know of God’s wonderful and merciful saving grace.
I know that I offend some people by talking about Jesus all the time. Some friends even un-friend me on facebook. I hate to see that happen, but I understand. The Gospel is offensive to unbelievers and the Bible even says it is foolishness to those who are perishing (1 Corinthians 1:18). But to those of us who are saved, it is almost indescribable. It is the most precious thing in the world.
Yes I am a Jesus freak! Jesus said that people who deny Him in this life, He will deny them before His Father in Heaven (Matthew 10:33). Plus, I am a strong believer in Romans 10:14: “How then shall they call on him in whom they have not believed? and how shall they believe in him of whom they have not heard? and how shall they hear without a preacher?” Yes I am a Jesus Freak because I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ: for it is the power of God to salvation to every one that believes (Romans 1:16). So I encourage you to be a Jesus Freak too and Keep Witnessing!
Good for you, Dennis. I’m proud to be a Jesus freak as well.
Brenda, I’m glad to hear it!