I typically write a blog about once a week. But this week I seem to have writer’s block. God usually gives me the titles to blogs and I write these down when they come to me. I currently have seven or eight titles of blogs written down, but I didn’t receive any direction on which one to write.
It may seem strange, but this reminded me of Daniel Chapter 10 where Daniel fasts for 21 days and the angel was delayed 21 days because he was fighting against Satan and/or his demons. Now I’m not saying that my writer’s block is because of Satan. My writer’s block just reminded me that Satan is real and his demonic force on this world is real.
Look at the direction the United States of America is headed right now. It’s pretty much anything goes. If it seems alright to you, then do it. You can murder your baby in the womb, because it’s legal. The President supports gay marriage, so many people are coming out in support of gay marriage (even though it goes directly against what the Bible says). To top it off, the highest court in New York recently ruled that viewing child pornography is not a crime. (How depraved do you have to be to think that child pornography is alright?)
Is Satan and his demonic forces real? You bet they are and they are having a field day whispering in people’s ears. If it feels good, do it. Go ahead, no one will ever know. It literally makes me sick to think about this. It reminds me of the description of the Israelites during the time of the judges where it says, “every man did what was right in his own eyes” (Judges 17:6).
Satan tempted Jesus in the wilderness (Matt. 4:1-11). Satan is real and he loves nothing more than to keep you from God. If you are unsaved, he does everything in his power to keep you away from God. He thrills you with the pleasures of sin and draws you farther in, usually until you are addicted.
If you are a Christian, the devil wants you to stray from your faith. He also wants you to get caught up in feeding your flesh. If you are truly saved, then Satan can’t undo your salvation. But he can try to lead you astray so that you appear as a hypocrite to unbelievers. (If you are caught up in sin right now, you need to repent, turn away from your sin and turn back to God.)
Satan is very real and he is very hard at work in this world. Read the words of the apostle Paul in Ephesians 6:12, “For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.”
The Bible tells us how to stand firm against Satan; how to resist him. “Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you” (James 4:7). Have you submitted yourself to God? Is Jesus your Lord and Savior?
The devil may be having fun right now – leading people astray, but no matter how many souls he deceives, he can’t change the outcome in the end. He has already been defeated. His time of destruction is short. He has been defeated by Jesus and there is nothing he can do about that (Rev. 20:10). Writer’s block or not, the thought of Satan being defeated is a good one.
Putting all doctrinal issues aside, and i one-hundred percent agree with you in this – don’t know how people who don’t have Jesus can live in these troubled times
That’s so true.
Before I was truly born again, I didn’t read the Bible at all. I just took it to church with me. My brother challenged me to read the Bible five years ago and it was through reading God’s Word that God convicted me that I was lost. Now, reading the Bible every day is important to me. It doesn’t matter whether it’s one verse or 10 chapters or some number in between. I just want to feed on the Living Word each and every day. Spending time alone with God is what I’m working on the most right now (my prayer life).