Wickedness In The Bible Belt
Ministry Update April 30, 2017
Friday night Aaron, Serenity and I knew it was going to be a wild night witnessing downtown Springfield, MO. Before we even started singing hymns, a woman in the front passenger seat of a car driving by stuck her head out the window and yelled something that was sexually inappropriate. The wickedness didn’t stop there, no it continued the whole time we were downtown. I have friends all around the country that just can’t believe the wickedness in the Bible Belt, right here in Springfield, MO.
Dozen Mockers
After we sang several hymns, I brought a message Today Is The Day of Salvation. Aaron estimates that there were 12 mockers during my message. They were yelling at me out of car windows and as they walked down the street. Very vile, wicked mockers. They were so bad that I don’t think I’ve said repent or you are going to split Hell wide open as many times as I did that night. They came in rapid succession. A guy would yell out of the car window, then a man would yell from across the street, right after that someone would walk past me, turn around and mock God. One young man walked by making demonic noises. He’s done so before. I don’t know if he is really demon possessed or not, but he sure sounds like he is. It really was a wicked night.
Walk On Jezebel!
Then Aaron got up to preach. A group of teenagers gathered a little ways from him and pretty much stayed there mocking the whole time. He’d warn them, and they’d just laugh it off. The more he preached to them, the harder they laughed. Later two women walked up and stood there for a minute. Then the one in a blue dress noticed Aaron’s camera on the tripod so she walked over and started flipping it off. I didn’t like it, so I started walking that way. Before I could get to her, she turned around and raised the up the back of her dress to the camera. I yelled “walk on Jezebel!”
I warned Jezebel that she was going to Hell and that she would receive a harsh punishment for her wickedness. Aaron started preaching to her and told her that Sodom and Gomorrah didn’t have the truth like she was hearing and he also told her that her punishment would be worse than others. She and her friends all just laughed. After Aaron finished his message, we sang hymns to end the night. While her friend was recording her and the friend recorded her earlier debauchery, Jezebel walked up and unplugged my amplifier while we were singing hymns.
She is truly a wicked woman that is obviously on the broad road to destruction and she’s foolishly laughing the whole way. One day she will laugh no longer. One day she will breath her last breath and if she dies in the same wicked spiritual state that she’s in today, she will immediately find herself engulfed in the flames of Hell. She won’t laugh a single time there. No, she will beg for mercy, but there’s no mercy in Hell.
Some Bright Spots
Even on a night with all the wickedness, there were some bright spots. Serenity was a tracting machine. I’m amazed that she handed out so many tracts with all the wickedness around us. So praise God for that. When we were singing At Calvary early on, an older couple drove by and you could see the woman singing along with us and the gentleman driving waved to us. There were also at least two people who seemed to really be listening to the messages. A young man stood across the street and listened to most of the message that I brought. Then while Aaron was preaching, a another young man was going to walk across the street, but instead he stopped and listened to some of Aaron’s message.
Also, while I was preaching, Aaron had a good conversation with Tina. He invited her to his church. Since he was going to preach when I finished up, he asked me if I would pray for her. I prayed with Tina, she thanked me and I assured her that if she calls Aaron that he will come and pick her up for church. We hope and pray that she does so.
At the very end of the night Kelly stopped by and said Hi to us and he had a prayer request. He had just gotten out of a Christian men’s event and he was heart-broken over the way they did an altar call. We prayed with Kelly about that and we also prayed that God would break some of the hard-hearted people that we encountered Friday night.
Satan And Drugs
Wednesday it rained the whole time that I witnessed at MSU. You’d think on a cold, rainy day that there wouldn’t be much going on and for the most part, the students were mainly apathetic. But there was one student who walked by while I was bringing a message and he just kept repeating Hail Satan. I believe this was from God, I looked around at the other students and said you may not mock God verbally as boldly as the Hail Satan student, but make no mistake, by your words, actions and thoughts, you do mock God just the same if you live contrary to God. May God wake some of the students up to this truth and grant them repentance and faith in Jesus.
Drugs Are Not Mentioned In The Bible
After that a student walked up and said drugs are not mentioned in the Bible. I explained that the Greek word for sorcery is pharmakeia, so actually it is in the Bible. Then he asked me if I take aspirin or ibuprofen and I said I do when I have a headache. He then said it’s no different. I said, sure it’s different. Taking medicine for a headache is nothing like taking a drug to get high. We went back and forth a little while and then I asked him if marijuana is his drug of choice. He quickly back peddled and said that he never said that he does drugs.
So, I asked him “why are you worried about whether drugs are mentioned in the Bible or not?” I hate to say it, but I don’t believe that he doesn’t take drugs. Why would you walk up and ask that question if you don’t do drugs? Why would it even cross your mind? You see, we spend our time, talents and money on what we love. If he really wasn’t interested in drugs, I don’t believe he would have asked the question. Unrepentant sinners justify their sin while followers of Jesus repent and trust Him.
(These updates are given to encourage Christians to talk about our Lord Jesus with others. To encourage brothers and sisters in Christ to share the Gospel with others)
Wickedness in the Bible belt, for sure.