I know a couple that used to go to church and they admitted after they stopped attending, that they only went to church because they liked being around Christians. They only went to church to socialize! (This makes me think about all the years I went to church while I was a false convert).
So the question is: Why do you go to church? Do you go to hear a good sermon? Do you go to listen to praise music? Do you go to church because it makes you feel good? Do you go to socialize? Do you attend church because that’s what “good” people do? Why do you really go to church? Ask yourself honestly, why do you go to church?
Leonard Ravenhill said, “99% of the people that go to church on Sunday do not go to meet God. They go to hear a sermon about God.” Wow. What a powerful statement. Check your heart motive. Do you really go to church to meet God or just to hear about Him? This is something to seriously think about.
I hate to admit this, but I can honestly say that I’ve gone to church a lot of times to hear a good sermon. To get fired up for the Lord. But I wasn’t really going to meet God. I was going to church for God to do something for me – to stir my heart or to make me feel warm and fuzzy. I wasn’t going to church expecting God to draw me closer to Himself. To truly find Him there. To meet Him there in worship.
So this is my prayer: Dear Heavenly Father, please change my heart. Cleanse me of all evil. Fill me with Your Holy Spirit and the fruit of the spirit. I pray that You will draw me ever closer to You. Please help me to clear my mind of all worldly worries, plans and desires and help me to love You with all my heart, soul, mind and strength (Luke 10:27). Father God, please help me to truly worship You every day and especially when I go to church. My desire is to meet You, to worship You and to praise You. Help me to make worship about You as it should be, instead of seeking what’s in it for me. I pray that Jesus Christ my Lord will lead me in everything I do through the power of the Holy Spirit. In Jesus’ Righteous Name I pray. Amen.