Ministry Update November 29, 2015
In the last few days there has been an outcry against the shooter in Colorado that killed three people and wounded many others. Personally I feel bad for Officer Swasey’s family. There’s also been an outcry over the Chicago policeman who shot the teenager 16 times in 15 seconds. As well as the outcry over the gang members in Chicago that killed the little nine year old boy – execution style. There has been an outcry over these heinous crimes as there should be. But at the same time, there’s been a deafening silence over the vicious murder of over 3,000 babies in the womb – every day in America. So I ask you, where’s the outcry?
Aaron and I witnessed outside of Planned Parenthood on Wednesday November 25, 2015. There is a fast food restaurant next to this abominable place and on the other side is a small shopping center. While we were there singing hymns and preaching , I looked around and noticed that people were just going about their business not even paying attention to Planned Parenthood. Oh, they might stop for a second or two to see what the crazy guys were doing, but other than that, they really didn’t even seem to notice Planned Parenthood. Again, I ask “Where’s the outcry?”
After we sang a few hymns, I brought a message basically about how we are all sinners. I admitted that my friend and I are sinners like the sinners inside Planned Parenthood, except Aaron and I are sinners saved by grace. You can’t be a follower of Jesus Christ and work in a child sacrifice center like Planned Parenthood. You can’t work for a business that commits such horrific acts on a daily basis and truly be saved. You can’t even claim that it’s alright since they don’t do surgical abortions in Springfield, MO. It’s not alright because they refer women to clinics where abortions are performed and the Springfield Planned Parenthood offers the morning after pill. You can’t work in such an abominable place and be a Christian, a real Christian, a biblical Christian.
So after I went through nine of the 10 Commandments, I saved thou shalt not kill for last. I pointed out that the Bible says that God sees hatred the same as murder and anger without cause also as murder, because these evil thoughts start in your heart. If God is so Holy that He considers hate and anger the same as murder, how much more is murder worthy of punishment? How much more is murdering a little baby in the womb deserving eternal punishment? But God saved murderers throughout the Bible and He still saves murderers today. So I pleaded with the workers to come out of that abominable work place. I pleaded with them to repent and put their trust in Jesus Christ. That He could forgive their sins, that He could clear their guilty conscience. But they need to walk away from that job and do so now.
Aaron preached next and he preached about how thousands came together to show support when little Hailey Owens was murdered close to two years ago. That precious 10 year old was violated and murdered by a monster. Aaron reminded the workers how people marched in the streets, lit candles and held vigils over Hailey’s death. There was outrage and a real outcry over her death. But where is the outrage and the outcry today over murdering babies in the womb? Where is the outcry? He also pointed out that they need to quit their job and stand with us against Planned Parenthood. He pleaded with the workers to get right with God.
Aaron pointed out later that it looked like one of the workers was being convicted by the messages. We hope and pray that she was convicted. We hope and pray that the awful place will be closed down. We hope and pray that all abortion clinics across America will be shut down. We hope and we pray and we also ask: where is the outcry? We have friends all across this nation who stand against abortion, but typically the numbers are few. Where are the pastors? Where are the Sunday school teachers? Where are the church members? Where is the outcry?
Then on Friday night I joined Aaron, Diana and Elise downtown. It was very cold and rainy, but we sang hymns and read some Bible verses. We mainly saw a few homeless people, others walking into the library and coffee shop and others walking toward the bars and still others toward the bus station. Aaron wasn’t even preaching hard, he was really just reading some Scripture and expounding on it some and even though there weren’t many people out, he still managed to draw three police cars to the square. They didn’t interact with us, but I thought it was interesting that they showed up when he was preaching.
A homeless couple came up to us toward the end and asked for food. Aaron told them that we only had two more songs to sing and then he would take them to McDonald’s to get something to eat. They said that they didn’t have transportation. He said that was ok, he would take them right after we finished the two songs. They didn’t even stick around through one song. It seems like they wanted money more than they wanted food. Earlier while I was reading Acts 26, several people walked in front of us and I think Elise handed them tracts. Our prayer is that God will use the hymns, the tracts and His word to convict people who were downtown and may He draw them to Himself as only He can do.
(These updates are given to encourage Christians to share their faith in Jesus Christ with others. Are you handing out Gospel tracts? Are you sharing your testimony with others? Are you witnessing? If you are worried because you don’t know how to witness, please check out Living Waters Ministries. They have some excellent resources, including Hell’s Best Secret, which should motivate all of us to share the Gospel with as many people as we can. Over 150,000 die every day and most die without Jesus as their Lord and Savior. These are staggering numbers. Where is the outcry?)