I go out witnessing in Springfield, MO with Greg Marlin and his group Born of Him Ministries. Most of us have been trained by the Way of the Master training of Ray Comfort and Kirk Cameron. Usually, when we are out witnessing we get around to some form of the question, “Are you good enough to go to heaven?”
The other day I heard an audio recording of evangelism training by Mark Spence (he’s associated with Ray Comfort’s Living Waters Ministry). He changed the question a little bit by asking, “What do you think it takes for you to get into Hell?” I love this question! Most people think they are good by man’s standards (and by man’s standards they are right).
But what does it take to get into Hell? How bad do you think you have to be? Do you have to murder someone? Steal something really valuable? Would committing adultery send you to hell? How bad do you have to be in order to go to hell when you die?
Some people believe we won’t know these answers until we die. But actually, the Bible has quite a bit to say about hell. In Matthew 13:41-42 Jesus says that “The Son of man shall send forth his angels, and they shall gather out of his kingdom all things that offend, and them which do iniquity; And shall cast them into a furnace of fire: there shall be wailing and gnashing of teeth. From these two verses we learn that: 1. hell is a real place 2. It will be a place of torment (wailing and gnashing of teeth) 3. The people who are sent there are people who offend, people who do iniquity.
Iniquity is another word for sin. The apostle Paul states in Romans that he would not have known what sin was except for the Law. The Law is God’s Law, the 10 Commandments. So who is destined for hell? Anyone who breaks one of the 10 Commandments. Anyone who hasn’t continually honored God and put Him first in their life. Anyone who has blasphemed God by using His name in vain as a cuss word. Anyone who has ever stolen anything, or lusted in their heart or hated anyone or coveted after something. These are just some of the 10 Commandments that all of us have broken at one time or another.
Still not convinced? Then look at Revelation 21:8 which says that, “all liars shall have their part in the lake of fire which burns with fire and brimstone.” So who really deserves to go to hell? Each and every one of us deserve to go to Hell for being rebellious against our Holy, righteous and just God. None of us meet God’s perfect standard and we are destined for Hell (even if we are good people by our own standards) and there is nothing any of us can do on our own to save ourselves.
But don’t despair! Before you accept this bad news, please hear the Good News. God knows that none of us are good enough to escape Hell on our own, so He made a way of escape for us. God sent his Son, Jesus Christ, who walked the earth 2,000 years ago and lived a perfect, sinless life; to suffer and die on the cross for sinful man. Jesus kept the 10 Commandments; He didn’t sin in thought, word or deed. He took our punishment for us. He paid our fine so we can legally go free. Jesus suffered greatly, He was crucified, dead and buried and rose again from the grave on the third day.
Out of God’s bountiful mercy, grace and love, He provided a way out of Hell for you. Instead of being stuck on the road to destruction and having no hope, God is willing to accept the sacrifice that Jesus made on your behalf. Jesus died in your place, but you have to receive this gift. You have to acknowledge that you cannot save yourself. You need to cry out to Jesus to save you. This amazing free gift can be yours by repenting from your sins – turning away from them and putting your faith in Jesus as your Lord and Savior. This is more than just asking Jesus to save you. To ask Jesus to be your Lord, you are asking Jesus to lead your life, you give up your sinful desires and ways for His righteous desires and ways.
So what does it take to get into Hell? Unfortunately, for a lot of people it is just to continue down the path they are already walking. If you are currently on the highway to Hell, please don’t continue on that road. Ask God to save you, turn from your sins and put your faith and trust in our Lord Jesus Christ. Won’t you do this today?
Well said….
One thing that blows my mind is I don’t have to be like a Adolf Hitler or a Ted Bundly to be a considered a sinner. Nope…. Because God is SO infinitely Holy….
With just one lustful thought.
Just one time of being angry.
Just one moment of not loving God with all your heart, mind, soul and strength.
I am guilty and deserving of Gods judgment and infinite punishment.
Good post Dennis.
I want to be a good person but I’m weak, I always ask God for his forgiveness but whenever my selfish desires kick in I can’t seem to help sinning all over again – I guess sin is stronger than me or can take over. God won’t keep forgiving me and I know that. I’m almost accepting that I’m going to Hell. I understand that every day I live is another chance to change, but it’s like I just can’t even though I do want to deep down.
I think some of us are just meant to go there, and I know I’m probably going to burn because I’m intrinsically bad even though I don’t really want to be.
Very thought provoking post. This question should cause others to consider the course they are on as well as a possible change in direction.
Love it. Thanks for posting.
Thank you for your post. You are doing a good work and I hope that it is a work that He started in you and will carry out until the end. I just wanted to say that I think you are missing something, biblically and historically. I agree with you on the commandments even under the new covenant. He said, “if you love me, you will obey me.” This is how we identify a believer. We are saved through faith and not by the works yet without the works the faith is dead according to the bible. We have entered into a loving and submissive relationship to which there is only one earthly comparison and that is marriage. Would my wife go her entire life and only know me as husband or sir? We call Him god and lord but these are words that came 4-5000 years after He gave us His name in exodus 3:15. They are titles. He has many of them. But He has one name and it has been lost to history. I honestly don’t know anyone who has used His name in vain because I can only count on one hand those that even know His name. We don’t know what it means to take His name in vain because we don’t know what it means to take His name.
Although I’m still young, and I haven’t even been saved yet, this post made me realize how strong my god really is. I don’t go to church very often because it’s hard to go anywhere with my little brother, my mom wants to start going but it’s really difficult. I haven’t been saved yet; I have tried to become saved I just don’t know how to tell if I am. I question If I don’t become saved before I die if I will go to hell. I wish everyone the best. God Bless!
It’s good that you are questioning. I highly recommend that you cry out to God to save you. Please read the book of John, then read Matthew and read through the New Testament. Please ask God to save you as you read the Holy Bible. Faith comes from hearing and hearing by the word of God (Romans 10:17). Jeremiah 29:13 states: And ye shall seek me, and find me, when ye shall search for me with all your heart. May God save you and grant you the assurance of salvation that only the Holy Spirit can give.