I have really good Christian friends (and pastors) that tell me that I promote a Christianity that is too harsh. I am accused of not telling people of the love of God and letting God’s love draw them in to Him. I am accused of teaching a Turn or Burn message. That I am trying to scare people into finding God. So is turn or burn – too harsh?
Let me start off by saying that I very much believe in the love of God. That is why I am an evangelist. I am so grateful that Jesus Christ suffered and died on the cross for my sins that I want to let other people know about this amazing love. I can never, ever repay Jesus for what He did for me. This is not about trying to even the score. Salvation is a gift from God, we can never earn or repay this wonderful gift.
It is because God first loved me that I love Him back. Because I love Him, I want to tell others about God and the unbelievable sacrifice that Jesus gave us. But I have to admit that most of the time when I’m out handing out gospel tracts with my evangelistic friends, I’d much rather be at home with my family, mindlessly watching television. Every time I start to speak to someone about salvation, I get a lump in my throat. It is not easy for me to talk to people about where they will spend eternity. It breaks my heart, it is a pain beyond description to think about my own children and friends who will spend eternity in Hell because they are not saved.
I don’t promote a harsh Gospel to scare people, I try to relay the truth as found in the Bible. You see, some people go through the Bible and pick and choose what they want to believe. It makes it easier for them to accept. They don’t want to believe the harder parts. But I am not smart enough to believe some of the Bible and disbelieve other parts of it. Some verses are hard to understand. But I believe all of the Bible, even the parts that are hard to take (or seem harsh).
I would prefer to think that there is no Hell and that unbelievers will not be punished for all of eternity. But that is just wishful thinking. Jesus spoke many times about the reality of Hell. Jesus warned people of the horrible torment and endless suffering that unbelievers will endure in Hell forever. Jesus described Hell as a place where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth (Luke 13:28) and where the fire is not quenched and the worm does not die (Mark 9:44). These are hard sayings to accept, but they are Jesus’ words, they are the truth.
So if my website and/or gospel tracts offend you, I am sorry to hear that. But I will not change God’s truth. I will continue to tell anyone who will listen to me about the danger of Hell. I will also continue telling others about the reason for Hell. It is our sin that causes us to die physically and if you die in your sins (as an unbeliever or non-Christian), you will spend eternity in Hell.
Please don’t continue rebelling against God. Ask God to forgive you of your sins, repent from your sins and put your faith and trust in Jesus to save you. Confess that you are surrendering your life to our Lord Jesus Christ. If this message sounds too harsh to you, then I am truly sorry that you feel that way. But I’d rather that you feel a little discomfort now than a whole lot of pain for eternity.
There is only one God, no matter what name one might wish to give Him/Her, and we are ALL “sons of God” seeing as we all derive from the one same source… Anyone who might think they are any better than any other because of their religion has made a grave mistake right then and there. It is not one’s religion that makes a difference. It is one’s thoughts, actions and deeds.
Recently I saw a picture taken in front of a Marines’ camp in which there was a sign written: “We leave it up to God to judge the terrorists. We just send them to Him sooner…” I was horrified. What kind of a mentality is that? Do they think they too will not be judged??? I am a believer in reincarnation, in the evolution of the Soul through our many lifetimes. I also believe I know some of my own past lives… In one, I had the same name as I have now. I also know the price I had to pay for the wrong decisions taken in the past. Some may call it karma. I would call it justice. Contrarily to most, however, I do not believe in a punishing God, in one who would condemn any of His/Her children to a lifetime of eternal suffering in a place called Hell. I believe in a merciful God who forgives…
You are correct that there is only one God and the Bible is God-breathed; it is the inspired Word of God. The Holy Spirit directed men to write it and they wrote what God wanted them to write. It is supernatural. Over 300 prophecies concerning Jesus have been fulfilled. No other book is like it!
So you do err when you say He/Her. Jesus said I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man comes to the Father, but by me (John 14:6). This verse clearly shows that God is the Father and not a her and Jesus clearly says that He is the only Savior. In Revelation 21:8, Jesus also said that all liars will have their part in the lake of fire and brimstone.
So please don’t continue worshiping a god that you have invented in your own mind. If you do, unfortunately, you will end up in the very Hell that you believe doesn’t exist. God is merciful and forgiving, but He is also just. He will punish sin and all liars will be cast into the lake of fire and brimstone.
Because He is merciful, He sent Jesus to suffer and die for the sins of the world. He paid the sin debt that we owe. But there is not universal salvation. You must receive salvation and you receive it by doing what Jesus said – repent and believe the Gospel (Mark 1:15). Do this today and be saved. Please, today, right now, turn away from your sins and put your trust in Jesus – the true Jesus – the Jesus of the Bible and be saved.
Magnet on turn or burn