Recently a lot of us made New Year’s resolutions. Along those lines, we all have short term goals in life. We want to finish school, get a promotion at work, have kids, buy a new car, buy a bigger house or in this economy maybe find a job. We all have short term goals in life.
But what do you really want to accomplish in this life? What are you living for? Do you just eat, work, watch a little TV or spend time on the computer, go to bed and then get up the next day and do it all over again? What do you really want to do in this life? What is your ultimate goal?
Why are we here? What is the ultimate goal in life? For me, the ultimate goal is my relationship with God through Jesus Christ our Lord. Through God’s grace He saved me when I was 44 years old. I am so thankful that He did. Realizing that I was a sinner on the road to Hell really opened my eyes. God showed me this through reading His word. I cried out to God to save me, I realized that I was a sinner and I repented of my sins by turning away from them and I put my faith in Jesus by surrendering my life fully to Him.
God saving me truly transformed my life. I will never be the same. I realized that I had lived selfishly for myself for 44 years of my life. Sure I went to church. I was married and had four children, but I was lost and bound for Hell until God graciously saved me. I’ve been born again and I no longer look at life the same way.
Now I don’t worry about my career. Money and work are no longer my false gods. My goal in life now is to be used by God to help further His kingdom. I am His. The Bible says we are a slave to sin or a slave to Christ (Romans 6:11, 16-18). I am gladly a slave to Christ (1 Cor. 7:22). My goal is to be used by God however He wants to use me.
So far God is using me in evangelism. I share my faith at home, at work and wherever I go (Mark 16:15). I witness to family, friends and strangers alike. I think the ultimate goal in life is to draw ever closer to God through reading the Bible and prayer as well as being used by God to bring as many people along with us to Heaven as possible.
I’m under no illusion here – we are only saved by the grace of God alone (Romans 3:24). But for reasons beyond my understanding, God has chosen to reach the lost through us Christians (Acts 1:8). So that is my ultimate goal: to be used by God to help further His kingdom by sharing the glorious Gospel of Jesus Christ our Lord with as many people as possible. I’ve shared my ultimate goal with you – now what is your ultimate goal in life?
My goal is to reach as many as possible for Christ. I’ve never read the book “Praying Hyde” (I want to though), but I heard that he asked God to give him a hundred souls in a year. I thought that was so great! So I’ve made that my desire and prayer this year-to reach a hundred persons for Christ. Christ will open the doors for this-no good thing does he withhold from those who walk uprightly.