Every year, most of us make New Year’s Resolutions. I will probably do the usual and say that I’m going to diet and exercise. Some people make resolutions about their health; they are going to eat better, give up smoking, drinking or some other vice. Some people say they are going to manage their debts better or save more money. Other resolutions are: get a better job, go back to school, or volunteer to help others more. The list of New Year’s Resolutions is endless. But what is the most important New Year’s resolution?
Have you ever thought about making a spiritual resolution? If you don’t know God or if you don’t believe in God, maybe you could resolve to look around at creation this New Year and see if you are able to tell that an intelligent being made the earth, the sky, the sun, moon and stars, the universe. Maybe you could study the human body and see how fearfully and wonderfully it is made. Maybe you could see that your eye has 137,000,000 cells that help it to focus and that it is very complex indeed.
Or maybe you acknowledge God, but you aren’t too sure about all of the Christianity stuff. Jesus Christ is the only Savior foretold about in the Bible. He is the only Prophet that forgave sins and He is the only religious leader that rose from the grave.
If you are in one of these first two categories, maybe you could resolve to study the Bible (start reading in the book of John), ask God to reveal Himself to you. You need to acknowledge that you have broken God’s Law, the Ten Commandments and that you need a savior. You need to ask God to forgive you of your sins and repent from them, turn away from your sins. Then you need to put your faith in Jesus Christ.
If you are already a Christian, you could make a resolution to become a better Christ follower in the New Year. Make a commitment to read your Bible everyday, pray to God (talk to Him and listen to Him) everyday, ask God where you can join Him in his work. You can ask Him how can He use you for His honor and glory, to help further His kingdom? No matter what category you fall into, we can all make a New Year’s Resolution to grow spiritually this New Year. Happy New Year!
I like your website Dennis. Thanks for sharing. It is funny you mentioned New Year’s resolutions concerning ones religious walk with God. I of course have made the lose weight, eat healthy, exercise more resolutions. But this year I had added reading the Bible and praying more as two more resolutions. I feel I have allowed myself to lose contact with God. I am not spending time with him. I feel I have suffered much because of my distance, and have vowed to rectify that in 2010. Thank you again for sharing your site. God Bless and Happy New Year. 🙂