I was recently talking to a young man who moved here from Africa and he’s been in America for a little over a year. We had a really good conversation. After we talked about the plan of salvation I asked him if it made sense to him. He said it did.
But then he said something very profound. He said Christianity is easy to understand, but very hard to do. I marvel at his statement. The plan of salvation is so simple that even a child can understand it. But at the same time it is hard for people to swallow their pride and turn control of their lives over to God. The young man told me that it was a hard thing to accept God.
Why is it so hard for some people to accept God? Maybe it’s because we can’t see God physically, mentally or spiritually (at least when you are lost). We can’t see the unknown and that makes most of us afraid. 2 Corinthians 4:4 says that the god of this world (the devil) has blinded the minds of them which believe not.
I have seen this reaction in many people that I’ve witnessed to. I wish I knew how to break their hardened hearts. I wish I could shake them out of their spiritual sleep. To see so many souls damned to Hell for eternity keeps me awake at night. How do we reach the lost? Or the better question is how do we get people to realize they’re lost and the horrible consequences they face for their rebellion against Almighty God ?
Proverbs 14:12 says: There is a way which seems right unto a man, but the end thereof are the ways of death. Proverbs 16:5-6 can be paraphrased, everyone that is prideful will be punished on Judgment Day and people who reverence and respect God turn away from their sins. You shouldn’t be afraid of the unknown (releasing control of your life to God) but you should be afraid of the known (the prospect of facing the Wrath of God on Judgment Day because of your lawlessness). In Hebrews it says, it is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God.
If you are not a Christian, please open your eyes and see that your sins are offensive to our Holy God. Please stop being prideful and self-centered. You need to come to God with a humble heart, in all humility and ask God to forgive you of your sins, turn away from your sins (forsake them) and ask Jesus to be Lord of your life (put your complete trust in Him). Please, I beg you, do this today before it’s too late.
I tried to talk to someone I love dearly about repentance, just yesterday, they told me just to leave them alone….They believed the way they believed and I believed the way I believe, but I know they are hurting inside so I went off and I cried to the Lord for their salvation, and would He send someone their way that would get through to them…I so want to see them in heaven loving Jesus!
It is so heartbreaking. Keep praying.
Theresa, I tried to respond to your email, but for some reason it ended up being blocked so here is my answer to your question:
Yes, please do. This website and the facebook page are all for God’s honor and glory and to share the glorious Gospel with this lost and dying world. Thank you, Dennis
The seed’s planted. Continue to pray for the harvest.