Woman Yelling “Hail The Goddess”
Hail The Goddess
Ministry Update June 30, 2019
Kelly and I witnessed downtown Friday night and it was pretty quiet most of the night. We both brought messages, but Kelly brought out the mockers. He preached about Hell, how Jesus talked about Hell more than anyone else in the Bible and sadly how many churches don’t preach on Hell. Kelly was about half way through his message when two women walked by and one turned around and yelled, “Hail the goddess!” He warned her that Jesus is the only Savior, but she just kept mouthing off as she continued walking away. About that time, I was offering New Testaments to a couple with a young son, but they said they didn’t need one. Then the woman thanked us for being out here and sharing the Gospel.

Mocker Asking Kelly If He’s Ever Bought Holy Water
A little later a couple of guys were walking by across the street and the one yelled, “Have you ever bought any Holy Water?” Kelly told him no. Then the guy laughed and mouthed off something we couldn’t hear. Kelly told him that he shouldn’t be mocking someone preaching the Gospel and encouraged the guy to come over and get a Bible. The guy said he had one already in his backpack, to which Kelly replied, “If you were really a believer, you would not mock a man of God.” We handed out a dozen New Testaments and some Gospel tracts. One young man stopped his bicycle when I offered him a New Testament and he promptly put it in a holder that he had attached to his bike. May God bless the messages, the New Testaments and the Gospel tracts.

Young Man Putting New Testament In A Pouch
(These updates are given to encourage Christians to share the Gospel with others. Life is short and none of us are guaranteed our next breath. This may be the last day you have to share the Gospel. This may be the last day for someone else to hear the words of eternal life.)