The Wicked and the Encouraging
Ministry Update June 5, 2016
We encountered the wicked and the encouraging both Friday night witnessing during Art Walk and earlier in the week at Planned Parenthood. Friday night Aaron, Brian, Chris, Diana, Elise and I started off singing hymns. While we were singing, I noticed Chris was missing. I asked my other friends and nobody knew for sure where he was. Evidently he stepped around the corner and was talking to a young man. Chris gave him a Bible and we hope the young man reads it. Also while we were singing, our friendly atheist Jim who we haven’t seen in quite a while, walked by. I saw him first and said Hi and handed him a tract. He hesitated and then took it anyway and promised that he would read it. Aaron also said Hi to him. Even though Jim is a devout atheist, he supports our right to preach. He’s even stood up to the police for us and he’s been kicked out of a couple of atheist groups because he says we have the right to free speech. Oh how we hope and pray that God would reach him. [Read more…]