Ministry Update July 5, 2015

Lesbian Lay-in

Greg preaching while I’m witnessing to Tom the Satanist
Friday July 3, 2015 was quite an interesting night. Before we started singing hymns, a friendly atheist came up to talk to Aaron. He used to hold signs with other atheists and stand in front of us when we preach. His name is Jim and he’s been kicked out of two atheist groups because he sticks up for our street preaching. He doesn’t agree with us, but he believes we have the right to free speech. Another lady was with him and they talked to Aaron for quite a while before we got started. After we sang some hymns, I brought a message against homosexuality and it allowed us to get into some good conversations. Greg with Born of Him Ministries went after me and while he was preaching, I talked to Tom the Satanist. Yes, he claimed to be a real Satanist and he had a pentagram tattoo on his calf muscle. He kept telling me that there aren’t object truths. I asked him if it would be wrong if I knocked him in the head and stole his wallet. He said yes, but it was only his subjective truth. [Read more…]