Ministry Update May 28, 2023
Conner, his two oldest kids, Michael and I witnessed downtown Friday night. Right after Conner prayed to start the evening, two young women walked up and Conner’s kids gave them tracts. Conner told them why we were out there – sharing the Gospel. So he asked them if they were Christians and Bailey spoke up and said that she’s Agnostic. Conner wanted to clarify, so he asked her if she meant it was unknowable as to whether God exists or if she meant that she doesn’t know if God exists? Bailey replied that she didn’t have enough proof either way. Basically, she’s waiting for proof to decide which is right.
She wanted Conner to prove that God is real. I loved Conner’s response. He told her that he doesn’t like to get into trying to prove there is a God because Romans says that God has written His law on our hearts (Romans 2:15). In other words, we don’t have to prove God is real because God has written His law in your heart. You already know God exists! Then, without missing a beat, Conner went right into the Gospel – how we’ve all sinned against God and how Jesus is the only Savior. After witnessing to Bailey, Conner asked if she had a Bible. She said that she doesn’t have one, so Conner gave her the Bible that was in his hand.
Her Friend Also Wanted A Bible
Her friend Nola was standing right next to her, so I asked if she had a Bible and she didn’t have one either. She said she wanted one too. I only had New Testaments in my witnessing bag, but I gave her one. Conner had earlier encouraged Bailey to read the book of John and I reiterated that too. Then I think Bailey asked Conner for one his tracts that was different than the ones his kids had given her. It was a great encounter. That’s what you hope and pray for, a chance to clearly share the glorious Gospel.
When Michael joined us, we walked around downtown. We handed out tracts to a group of homeless people on the square. Most refused tracts, but one guy took one from me. I tried to engage him in a conversation. He just kept saying that he is a “common preacher.” Don’t know what he meant by that unless he meant that he’s a lay pastor. I kept trying to see if he’s really a Christian or not and he basically acted like it was a stupid question since he’s a common preacher. I politely pointed out that some pastors are pastors, even though they aren’t really saved. Sadly, I didn’t really get anywhere with him.
Conner got into a conversation with three teenagers after that. One professed to be a Christian, but he doesn’t attend church and doesn’t read the Bible. But Conner was able to share the Gospel with all three of them. While that was going on, Michael and I were off over the to the side talking when I noticed two lesbians holding hands heading in our direction. I tried to hand them a tract, but they just walked away and acted like they didn’t see me. Then we walked around downtown some more and handed out more tracts. About the time Conner and his kids and I were leaving, Lisa showed up to witness too. So her and Michael witnessed some more after that.
High School Graduations
On the previous Saturday, Michael and Anand along with a couple of their friends from Sedalia wanted to go witnessing. Friday night had gotten rained out, so Anand wanted to go to MSU and witness there. Thankfully they went because they got there right in between two high school graduation ceremonies. All four guys were very excited about so many people being on campus. They handed out every tract they brought with them and one of the guys from Sedalia had about 40 Gospel booklets too and they handed all 40 of those out after the tracts were gone. Praise God they were faithful and made it over to the campus, even though they were worried that there wouldn’t be very many students there since the school year was over.
(These updates are provided to encourage Christians to share the Gospel with others)