Ministry Update February 28, 2016
We Are All Saved
On Wednesday February 24, 2016 I was finishing up my message at MSU and the gentleman to the right in the picture walked up and said that it wasn’t necessary to yell at people. I asked Aaron to go ahead and start preaching, since I was done, I’d talk to the guy. He is a professing Christian who says that we don’t need to yell out the Gospel because we are all saved. I was still holding my Bible from open-air preaching and I asked him to show me where that was in the Bible. Then I asked him if he believed the Bible and he didn’t answer. He repeated that we don’t need to yell at people. I suggested that he forget about the yelling, that it was just him and I talking and I asked him if he believes Revelation 21:8 that all liars have their part in the lake of fire and brimstone, again he didn’t answer. He just put his hand on my shoulder, smiled and said that we are all saved and he walked away. I told him that if he really believes that then he’s calling Jesus a liar. He just kept walking away. [Read more…]