This is a great quote from Rolfe Barnard. Jesus is the giver. He gave His all. He died for my sins. He took my place on that cruel cross. He took the punishment that I deserved. I’m the one who sinned. I’m the one who rebelled against Almighty God. I’m the one with the wicked heart. I’m the one who deserves to suffer in Hell for all of eternity. I did the crime; I deserve to do the time. I’m the one who’s lied, stolen, blasphemed God, worshiped false gods (such as money and work), been drunk, lusted and on and on. I’ve broken the 10 Commandments many times over. I’m not bragging about these things, in fact I’m very ashamed of my past. I’m merely admitting some of my sins to show that I am a sinner. I can’t undo a single sin. I can’t save myself in any way, shape or form. I can do nothing to earn salvation (Ephesians 2:8-9). So all I brought to my salvation was my sin (Psalm 51:3-4). [Read more…]