Photo by Mark König on Unsplash
There Is No Hope For Me
Friday night, Conner, Joshua, Tyial and I witnessed downtown. Conner brought a message, Tyail held her sign and handed out tracts. Joshua and I handed out tracts. We really couldn’t get anyone to stop and talk to us. Joshua got into a couple of short conversations, but I think he was disappointed that they wouldn’t really stick around and talk. One girl walked past us three times and she mouthed off each time. The four of us walked to the square and around downtown, but there just weren’t many people out, even though it was a perfect night weather wise.
A woman and her friend walked by us at one point and they both refused tracts. She said, “I’m too bad. There is no hope for me. You won’t see me in Heaven.” We tried to get her to stop and talk to us, but she refused. The guy that was with her told us to let her go, that you won’t get anywhere with her. Over the years while street witnessing, I’ve seen two kinds of people that say they are too bad for Jesus to save them. Some people are sincerely broken over their sinfulness and truly believe that Jesus can’t save them. Obviously, they are wrong.
You can’t be so bad that God can’t save you. The apostle Paul persecuted Christians, even consenting to their being killed, before his conversion (Acts 22:1-16). Yes, we can prove biblically that there is hope for you when you think that you are too bad to be saved. A sinner is not so bad that God can’t save them. The second group are the ones like this young woman; they are proud of their sins and braggingly say they are so bad that God can’t save them. They are not humble in any way. God resist’s the proud, but He gives grace to the humble (James 4:6). So until the proud person is convicted over their sins and humbly comes to Jesus, they cannot be saved. Even though it was a slow night witnessing, the four of us had a good time of fellowship.
(These updates are provided to encourage Christians to share their faith in Jesus with this lost and dying world)

Joshua In A Short Conversation

Tyail Holding Her Sign And Conner Open Air Preaching