Cold But Not Too Cold For Mockers
Ministry Update February 11, 2018
It was 24 degrees Friday night and the wind chill made it even colder. So I have to admit, that I only lasted about 30 minutes witnessing. It was cold but not too cold for mockers. Several people were out walking around. One guy listened to part of the message for a short time. While I was bringing a message, a car pulled up right in front of me. Two guys hopped out and one of them said something before he jumped on top of the trunk of a car parked near me. But his friend started the car up, so the other guy jumped into the car before he drove off. Right toward the end of my message, four people crossed the street and one woman mocked, but I really couldn’t hear what she said.

Would You Like A Cup of Coffee?
It wasn’t as cold on Wednesday at Missouri State University, but it was cold, windy and rainy. It rained right up until I started witnessing. There were a couple of mockers that day and the man who mocked me last time I was there smiled like he was going to say something as he walked by, but turned out that he didn’t. The highlight of the time on campus was a student that walked up to me and said, “God bless” and asked, “Would you like a cup of coffee?” I told him no thanks and said “God bless” back to him. I’m always grateful for people who encourage open-air preaching.
(May God save many lost souls and these updates are given to encourage Christians to share their faith in our Lord and Savior – Jesus Christ.)