Long Way From Home
Ministry Update January 23, 2023
Before Michael and I walked around downtown Friday night and handed out Gospel tracts, he prayed a really nice prayer and he asked God to bless any conversations that we get into. We received a lot of no’s when offering tracts, but we had a few takers. There were a couple of guys standing in front of a bar and I handed both of them tracts. As they thumbed through them, I told them they were Gospel tracts that tell you about Jesus. Then I asked them if they know who Jesus is and surprisingly they both shook their heads no. They were a long way from home since they are from Bangladesh, but we were still surprised that they didn’t know who Jesus is.
I talked to them about how Jesus was born of the Holy Spirit and the virgin Mary and why He came to this earth that He created. Then I asked them if they consider themselves to be good. Adeem’s friend said yes, but Adeem said that he was probably more good than bad. I explained how God is perfect and none of us are perfect. That’s why we need a Savior, since we’ve all sinned and fallen short of God’s glory. They both listened graciously while I shared the Gospel with them.
Do You Have A Bible?
Afterwards, I asked them if they have Bibles and both of them said they didn’t. So then I asked if they’d read it if I gave them one. Adeem’s friend said no, but Adeem thought for a second and then said that he would read it. I handed him a New Testament, pointed to the sky and told him that this book is unlike any other book he’s ever read. It is inspired by the Creator God in Heaven and that if he will ask God to reveal His truth to Adeem, that I believe God will do so. I also encouraged Adeem to read the Bible to see if what we were telling him was the truth. Both guys shook our hands and thanked us for talking with them. May God convict and convert Adeem and his friend. Michael and I handed out some more tracts before the night was over. But this encounter is what we pray for and hope God will bless us with. We don’t always get the opportunity to clearly present the Gospel while witnessing, but it’s always encouraging and a real blessing when we get to do so.
(These updates are provided to encourage Christians to share the glorious Gospel with this lost and dying world)