Two Christians With Two Very Different Reactions
Ministry Update July 4, 2020
There weren’t as many people downtown as the week before. I really didn’t think the day before the holiday would matter that much, but maybe people were at the lake or traveling. While I brought the message, I had one mocker that just yelled as he drove by. Another vehicle slowed way down and the passenger in the rear rolled her window down and she grinned really big. The lady showed support for the name of Jesus being lifted up in the streets. She was a great encouragement. There also were three young men that walked by and one of the young men lifted up his hand when I mentioned the name Jesus Christ. After that I encountered two Christians with two very different reactions.

Mocker Yelling As He Drove By

Lady That Was Happy About Jesus Being Lifted Up

Young Man Liked Hearing The Name Of Jesus Being Lifted Up

Christian Questioning The Methodology Of Open-Air Preaching
Toward the end of open-air preaching, CJ came up and asked if I’d step down and talk to him. I told him I only needed a minute to finish up the message and I’d be happy to talk to him. He seemed a little put out that I didn’t immediately stop and talk, but he waited. I suspected that he was a ‘well-intentioned’ Christian that wanted to tell me that “this isn’t how you reach people” and that’s exactly what happened. I stepped down and he started saying that he didn’t think this was the right method to reach people. To which I replied, “I wish you would have heard the message” and his response was “I did.” Then I asked if he heard that God told Isaiah to lift up his voice like a trumpet in the street (Isaiah 58:1) and where Jesus said what you hear whispered in the hear, preach from the rooftop? (Matthew 10:27).
Yes, but…
“Don’t you think a trumpet is loud?” “Wouldn’t it be loud if I stood on that roof top across the street and preached from there?” “Yes, but don’t you think this methodology is wrong in reaching people here in the Bible Belt?” I really wanted to know how he could say he heard the things I said, ignored them and marched right back to his question. But I didn’t. He just kept telling me that he thought buying someone a cup of coffee and sharing the Gospel that way was the better way to witness. I told him if that’s the way he witnesses, praise God. Keep doing it. I would never tell him to quit his methodology and he shouldn’t try to talk me out of open-air preaching.
The young man told me that he’s a seminary student and several times he told me the message was right on (biblically sharing the Gospel), but that he thought we sometimes get too hung up on methodology. I agree that someone was hung up on methodology, but frankly, I think he was the one who was hung up on it. Many times he agreed with what I was saying, but always came back with, “but…”. After we talked for a while I just had to thank him for his concern and we shook hands and he walked back across the street and joined his friends. I hate it when people complain about biblical witnessing, but I’ve learned over the years that people who believe this, very seldom change their minds. I’ve prayed about this many times over the years and God keeps compelling me to street witness.
Young Christian Supports Open-Air Preaching

Young Christian That Supports Open-Air Preaching
Earlier while I was open-air preaching, a young man walked by pulling a cooler and I’ve seen him doing this many times over the years. Most of the time he has friends with him, but Friday night he was also witnessing by himself. I said Hi to him when I saw him and as he was crossing the street, I mentioned that the young man was going downtown to offer people water and share the Gospel with them. He raised his hand up and waved. Then I asked the question: When we are truly saved, how could we not share the good news of eternal life with others? How could we keep the glorious Gospel to ourselves? The young man raised his hand up and waved again. Later I thought about how opposite these reactions were from these two young Christian men.
Handing Out Tracts
Before and after bring a message, I handed out tracts. At different times, two women asked “What is it?” when I tried to hand them a tract. I told them both that they were Gospel tracts and both of them took them. I was a little surprised. Many times when I tell people what they are they just say no thanks and keep walking. But these two women took them. Then I also saw a young man and his dad who I’ve seen downtown before and they always reject the tracts. Even though they walked together, the young man was a step ahead of his dad. The young man refused the tract, but to my surprise, the dad actually stopped and took one. Praise God for the tracts that went out and may God convict and convert lost souls through the Gospel tracts and the Gospel that went forth through the open-air.
(These updates are given to encourage Christians to share their faith in Jesus Christ the Lord)