I’m Going To Hell
Ministry Update May 22, 2022
Keven, Joshua and I walked around downtown handing out tracts Friday night. Seemed like several people took tracts and we also had a lot of rejections. But a lot of times Joshua would reach out his arm to hand out a tract and say, “Are you going to Heaven or going to Hell?” The overwhelming majority said they were going to Heaven. Of course we don’t know what they are counting on to get there, so we want people to take tracts so they can read the Gospel. But Friday night Joshua had two different men say, “I’m going to Hell” and they were both proud of that fact.
Another thing Joshua said while handing out tracts is “Here’s good news for you.” Sometimes people would take the tract but other times they refused. I joked with Keven and Joshua that we need to come up with a tract that says Bad News on it and say if you don’t want the good news, here’s bad news for you. We could literally tell people the bad news that they have sinned against our Holy, Righteous God and that death and Hell await them. We could also just leave it with the bad news and then give them a phone number to call in case they change their minds and want to hear the good news after all.

Drive By Encourager
I brought a short message earlier in the night on how we all serve someone. As I was sharing the Gospel a woman drove by and said “You bet’ and followed that up with “Amen”. Sometimes we have drive by mockers, but it was nice having a drive by encourager. One young man stood near the building at the end of the parking lot listening to part of the message. Keven and Joshua handed out tracts during this time too. The three of us had a great time of fellowship Friday night. I enjoy the fellowship as much as the street witnessing.

(These updates are provided to encourage Christians to share the glorious Gospel with this lost and dying world. Christian, you may not go out street witnessing, but you can hand someone a Gospel tract. You can share your testimony with others. If you haven’t done so already, please start today.)