She Saw God
Ministry Update February 19, 2023
My Christian friends are going to see this headline and think this is a good thing. But unfortunately, it isn’t. I was open-air preaching at Missouri State University on Wednesday when two students stopped to listen. The guy and the girl both recorded a little bit, but then the woman handed her phone to her friend so he could record what she was about to say and it was offensive. She yelled, “I f____d a girl so hard last night that she saw God.”
As the young woman walked off, I told her that she isn’t mocking me. No, she’s mocking God and God will not be mocked. She is sowing the wind and she will reap the whirlwind (Hosea 8:7). I pleaded with her to repent and surrender her life to Jesus. I also told her that if she dies in her sins, she will face Jesus on Judgment Day and after she bows her knee and confesses that Jesus is Lord, He will have His servants cast her into the lake of fire and brimstone (Matthew 13:41-42). I pleaded with her to turn from her sins and turn to Christ. After the message, I handed out tracts before I had to go back to work.

A Student Listened To Part Of The Message

Lydia And Joshua Handing Out Tracts
Exile At The Gillioz Theatre
Friday night Joshua, Lydia and I got downtown before Michael joined us, so I brought a short message and Lydia and Joshua handed out tracts. There were people walking past us who were going to see Exile at the Gillioz Theatre. The band had the hit Kiss You All Over back in the 70s. I only had one mocker while open-air preaching. Michael joined us about the time I finished the message and the concert must have been starting because suddenly there weren’t any people going into the show. So we walked around downtown. It was really cold and there weren’t many people out and about. We handed out a few tracts and Joshua tried to get into a conversation, but the person wouldn’t stick around and talk. Even though it was a slow night, we had a great time of fellowship. I truly enjoy the fellowship with the saints as much as I enjoy witnessing to lost souls.
(These updates are provided to encourage Christians to share the Gospel with others)