Great To Be Back Out Witnessing Again
Ministry Update For May 13, 2022
Due to health issues, I missed witnessing for the last nine months. So it was great to back out witnessing again Friday night. I brought a message about You Are The Man while Brad and Keven handed out tracts. We had a few silent mockers drive by, but none of them yelled anything. But one girl was walking toward us until she turned the corner. She yelled, “Shut up. Go home. No one’s listening”. Then as she started to walk into a building she turned around and flipped us off. Brad waved to her and I just ignored her.

After I brought the message, Brad and I crossed the street and handed out tracts while Keven and Carl played music and Carl sang hymns. Carl’s friend Rachelle also joined us. After we had handed out tracts for a while Brad came over and said, “Have you noticed that more women are taking tracts tonight than men?” I had noticed the same thing. Every night street witnessing is different.
Brad not only handed out tracts, but he also offered to pray with people. Two young men asked him to pray for them and another young man asked for prayer for guidance. Not only was it great to be back out witnessing again, but I had also missed fellowshipping with other evangelists. We had a great time visiting with each other and I appreciated Carl’s love for the Lord. In between songs, a lot of times he’d praise the Lord and also exhort people with the fact that Jesus is the only Savior while quoting John 14:6. I’m looking forward to witnessing with these fellow evangelists and hopefully more friends will join us too.

These updates are provided to encourage Christians to share their faith in Jesus with others.