Guy On The Right Says Can I Get A Hallelujah?
Can I Get A Hallelujah?
Ministry Update July 24, 2022
Friday night was full of mockers from beginning to End. A couple walked by while I was open air preaching. The woman stopped and yelled, “Get a life” at the exact moment when I was saying that Satan is the little g god of this world who has blinded unrepentant sinners to the Gospel (2 Corinthians 4:4). I explained that she is one of those people and pleaded with her to repent and trust Jesus. Then another mocker yelled out after that. We even had mockers while we handed out tracts. While Trevor was open air preaching, I was caddie corner from him and three guys walked by. One of them mockingly put his hands together like he was praying and asked, “Can I get a hallelujah?” I replied, “You can get a repent and trust Jesus.” I continued pleading with him to repent as he walked away laughing.

Woman Yells Get A Life
Jesus Never Had A Megaphone
Trevor had several mockers too. One man yelled for Trevor to shut the f up and another woman yelled “Abortion” as her car went past us. During this time a couple walked by and they both refused tracts and the guy said that he’s covered by the blood of Jesus. He asked if I was too? I told him yes, that’s why we are out here. They kept walking away, but he turned around and said, “You need to live it instead of saying it. Jesus never had a megaphone.” So I reminded him that Jesus said go into all the world and preach the Gospel to every creature (Mark 16:15). Jesus also said that what we hear whispered in the ear, we are to proclaim from the rooftops (Matthew 10:27). I asked him if he reads his Bible every day. By that time, I couldn’t hear his reply, so I encouraged him to read the Bible and obey it.
Maybe you are reading this and thinking like the guy that said we shouldn’t use amplifiers. That’s ok if you don’t agree with us, but I ask you: how do you share the Gospel? What I’ve found most of the time is that professing Christians that don’t agree with open air preaching do absolutely no evangelism at all. So if this is you, I also ask you, are you being obedient to our Lord Jesus Christ? He says to share the Gospel with every creature so how is no evangelism accomplishing that?
No Way And Plenty To Read At Home
One woman refused a tract from Elly and said, “No way.” Another woman took a tract from Trevor then promptly handed it right back, saying that she had plenty to read at home. One driver went the wrong way down the one-way street in front of us. This always reminds me of lost souls going the wrong way in life and how badly they need the Good News of Jesus Christ so they can repent and believe the Gospel.

Matthew And Cindy Witnessing To Jason
Matthew and his mother Cindy spent most of the night talking to a homeless guy named Jason. Sadly, Jason thinks that he keeps most of the 10 Commandments and that his efforts will be good enough for God. None of us are good enough. That’s why we need Jesus to save us. Only the sinless One can save you. At the end of the night three people helped their extremely drunk friend to the car. She was so drunk that they literally were holding her up and halfway carrying her to the car. It was heartbreaking to see. Trevor started preaching to the group. He kept preaching even after they got to their car. At that time, a drive by mocker yelled “Yeah boy” out of the passenger window. Then Trevor had one last walk by mocker to end the night. I thank and praise God for Trevor, Elly, their girls, Tyail who held her Jesus sign as well as Matthew and Cindy for coming out witnessing.

Three People Helping Their Extremely Drunk Friend To Their Car
(These updates are given to encourage Christians to share the Gospel with others. You may never go street witnessing and that’s ok. But if you are truly a follower of Christ, please tell others about our Lord and Savior and how He’s the only way of salvation. You don’t just live it, you also share it. Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of God – Romans 10:17.)

Guy Mocking Trevor At The End Of The Night

Elly Handing Out A Tract

Driver Messing With Trevor Open Air Preaching

Drive By Mocker

Car Going The Wrong Way