A Chance At Life
I attended the funeral of a friend of mine this week. He was a Christian man who was 72 years old. He had a loving wife, five sons, 11 grandchildren and two great grandkids. The life expectancy for a man in America is 78 years old. My friend didn’t quite make that, but he had a pretty long life and at least he had a chance at life.
Over 3,000 babies are murdered in the womb every day in the United States. Over 3,000! Over 3,000 precious little babies have been viciously murdered. Killed before they ever saw the light of day and if Hilary Clinton gets elected as President , then some of the babies may see the light of day and then be brutally murdered. You see, she is in favor of partial birth abortions. She thinks that it is fair game to kill a baby at all stages of development, even after birth and she thinks that all of us should pay for it. She’s alright with 58 million babies (and counting) never getting a chance at life. [Read more…]