Slut Walk Invite
Ministry Update September 20, 2015
The thing about open-air preaching and street ministry is that you never know what’s going to happen. While I was at MSU open-air preaching on Wednesday September 16, 2015, a young man named Marcus walked across the grass in front of me and came up and shook my hand. It’s always great to see people that are not ashamed of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. I also had a couple of people that walked by and mouthed off and kept walking which is more typical. But while I was bringing the message, I noticed three students handing out flyers near where I was standing. I didn’t pay much attention to them and kept preaching. As they were heading to class, one of them came up to me and handed me an invite to Slut Walk.
At that time I didn’t know what Slut Walk was about, so when I looked down at the piece of paper in my hand and saw the title, I preached pretty hard at the young man as he hurried into Strong Hall behind me. I shared with him that there will be no laughing and talk about slut walking in Hell. Later on I found out that Slut Walk is actually a protest against the “rape culture” of America. In other words, just because someone dresses like a slut doesn’t mean that they are “asking for it.” Call me crazy, but is promoting women to run around half naked really the best way to protest against rape? It seems like promoting Slut Walk is counter intuitive. It seems like you are more likely promoting rape than standing against it. But in this mixed up world we live in, I guess Slut Walk makes sense to some people; it just doesn’t make any sense to me.
Then on Friday night September 18, 2015 Rocky Beckett from my Sunday school class and I joined Aaron, Margret and Serenity witnessing downtown. Before we got started, I handed out a few tracts and had the opportunity to share the Gospel with Ricky and his girlfriend. I asked him if he was good enough to go to Heaven and he said basically that we won’t know until the end. I explained that Jesus said that we can know that we have salvation. I took Ricky through some of the 10 Commandments and asked him if God judges him by those standards on Judgment Day, would he be innocent or guilty and he admitted that he would be guilty. So then I asked him if God would allow him into Heaven and he said “maybe God will like me and let me in.” I told him that God made us and God loves us but that we’ve all sinned and our sin separates us from God.
Then I asked Ricky if he knew what God did so we don’t have to go to Hell. He said “forgive us?” He intellectually knew that Jesus died on the cross for our sins, but he didn’t understand that we have to be saved. That just intellectually knowing what Jesus did doesn’t save us. I talked to him a little more and told him how we have to see that we are sinners and ask God to forgive us. I talked to him about repentance and faith in Jesus. I asked him if he had a Bible at home and he said that he did. I encouraged him to read it. His girlfriend didn’t say anything during the witnessing encounter, but she listened the whole time.
After that, we started singing some hymns. Rocky didn’t join us at first because he struck up a conversation with a couple of Buddhists. I don’t know how far he got with them, but he did witness to them. After that, Rocky sang with us.
After we sang several hymns I brought a message: Are You Laughing At God? I tried to see if there were any devout Atheists on the square, but nobody would admit it. So I pointed out to them that my friends and I were unashamed of the Gospel of Jesus Christ and I encouraged them to speak up, but no one did. I went ahead and brought a message anyway. One heckler rode up on a bicycle and said that what I was doing was wrong because we aren’t supposed to boast about Jesus. I asked him to show me a Bible verse. Aaron went over and talked to the young man for a while. Then a guy came up and listened to the message. He had a guitar and I think his name is Ben. He listened for quite a while and when I finished the message, Rocky went over and witnessed to him.
Aaron wasn’t feeling well, but he brought a clear message on the Gospel. I saw a group of people walking behind us so I walked over quickly and tried to hand everyone tracts, but they all refused. It was a group of lesbians walking by two by two, holding hands. When I walked back near our group I saw two guys walking by us so I went over to hand them tracts. When I got closer I could see that they were walking holding hands. The guy that was nearest to me refused a tract, but the other one took a million dollar bill tract. He then spun around and said that he had a question for me. I expected him to ask about homosexuality, but he didn’t. To my surprise, he wanted to know if Christians leave these as tips for waiters to fool waiters into thinking that they are getting a large tip. I assured him that I don’t leave MDB tracts as tips for waiters. I showed him a Seek and Save the lost tract and told him that I leave these with a good tip.
They walked off and I was standing near Rocky and Ben (the guitar guy) and Ben asked for a tract too. When Aaron finished preaching we sang hymns to end the night. The guitar guy stayed around and played the guitar while we sang hymns. After we finished up, there were a few people milling around the square so I just quoted John 3:16 to end the night. That’s when Adam and Kenzie walked up and shook my hand. Adam thanked us for being out there. We don’t always get encouragers while street witnessing, but God blessed us with some this week.
These updates are provided to encourage Christians to share their faith with others. Hand out Gospel tracts. Share your testimony with someone. If you have been gloriously saved, please don’t hoard this great gift. Share it. You don’t lose anything by sharing it and you just might gain a brother or sister in Christ.
Thanks for sharing Dennis! I always enjoy reading your blogs. God bless you brother
Thanks Brad. I hope you are doing well and may God bless you too.