You are a Christian and you know that since you are saved, since you have eternal life, that you should share the Gospel of Jesus Christ with others. But you are scared. You don’t know where to start. You don’t know what to do. Fear not. Sharing your faith is…easy.
1. Buy some Gospel tracts – the ones seen in this video are from The Way of the Master (Living Waters) that a friend gave me to use at Missouri State University called The Atheist Test. 2. Go to a busy corner. 3. Smile, hold the tract out and say “did you get one of these?” or “hi” or “hello.”
You can share your faith in Jesus with others and it really is this easy. Jesus said go into all the world and preach the Gospel to every creature (Mark 16:15). There is no easier way to be obedient to Jesus than to hand out a Gospel tract. Will you do this? Sharing your faith is…easy, really easy.