Sexy Cowboy
Ministry Update September 10, 2017
Friday night I was handing out Gospel tracts on a street corner in downtown Springfield, MO when a carload of girls drove by. One of the passengers stuck her head out the window and yelled, “Hey sexy cowboy.” Yes, she yelled this at me. No, I’m not sexy. No, I’m not a cowboy. But I am a follower of Jesus Christ who believes we are to go into all the world and preach the Gospel to every creature. We are supposed to deny ourselves, pick up our cross and follow Jesus. When Christians venture outside of their homes and their churches, they will hear strange comments. But we really shouldn’t be surprised when lost people act lost.
At least it was better than being cussed out. You just never know what people will say when out witnessing. I had a good time handing out tracts Friday night. A couple of people thanked me for being out there. But then a couple walked by me and he refused a tract but she took one. She took a few steps, turned around and looked at me and said, “I don’t want this.” But she was already crossing the street and I sure wasn’t going to run over and take it back from her. Then later they walked by again and I generally offer tracts even to people who have already refused them, just in case someone changes their mind and takes one the second time (I’ve seen it happen before). The young man said no again and this time the young lady replied, “I’m not taking that again.”
We All Need To Repent
Earlier in the evening I brought a message at St. Louis and Jefferson called I Would Have Eaten The Forbidden Fruit. There were a couple drive by mockers, but also a couple of supporters – including a head nod and a thumbs up. People walking by and driving both directions heard bits and pieces of the message that we all have eaten the forbidden fruit of sin and that’s why we all need to repent and trust Jesus. Of course, not everyone will do so, but that is our greatest need – the salvation that is found in Christ alone. I recently finished reading the book of Revelation and it really struck me that through all the horrible plagues of God’s wrath upon mankind during the tribulation, they continually will not repent (Revelation 9:21, 16:11).
All Apathy Except For One Mocker
At Missouri State University on Wednesday, some other group had my usual spot at Trottier Plaza, so I brought a message at Strong Hall. I handed out tracts on the way to and from there and even handed out a few before I started preaching. But once the message started, it was all apathy except for one mocker. Toward the very end of the message a construction worker (who was working on Glass Hall right next to Strong Hall) walked over and listened to the end of the message. So I walked up and tried to hand him a tract, but he said he didn’t need one. It turns out that he belongs to the same church I belong to (Crossway Baptist Church). His name is Scott and he told me that he helps teach the High School Bible Fellowship Class (Sunday school).
(These updates are provided to encourage Christians to share their faith in Jesus Christ with this lost and dying world).
I can easily imagine my wife and i doing things like that 38 years ago or so.
But…she may not have that much time to repent.