I hope all of you getting used to the new semester and that you are settling down into a routine. I hope you have a great semester. I hope you study hard and make good grades. I hope…wait. We have some minor trouble here. Please proceed the way you are going in an orderly fashion. Don’t panic, but please move at a brisk pace. Keep walking. Keep going.
This isn’t good. Oh no. Actually you are in danger. You are in grave danger. Run! Run! Run! Run for your life! You need to run just like you would if a raging wildfire was so hot on your trail that you could feel the heat from the flames. You need to run for shelter as swiftly as you would if a tornado was bearing down you and was so close that you could barely hear because the noise was so loud that it sounded like a freight train was right on top of you.
You need to sincerely run for your life. You need to flee from danger. But you know what? You won’t. You won’t even be alarmed in the least little bit. You won’t take heed to the warnings today. You won’t listen to the danger that you are in. You won’t pay attention...
I feel like this sort of outreach may be more effective if there were a small supply of bibles along side of you. You hold one in your hand as you preach, but if you aren’t able to provide the source of the scripture, people who do not already know it aren’t going to be as inclined to listen if they can’t look at the material for themselves.
Even if the skeptics pick up a bible and start reading, isn’t that a step forward?
Great point. I used to offer free Bibles every time that I brought a message, but I haven’t done so lately. Thank you very much for the suggestion.
That’s not even 10 miuntes well spent!
I’m sorry you feel that way. Here try this one – it should only take about 4 or 5 minutes to read this one.