I’m very worried about America. We are far from God and it doesn’t seem to bother most of us. Oh, the majority of American’s claim that they believe in God, but a very small percentage have a biblical world view. In other words, most Americans have made a god that overlooks their sins. They’ve fashioned a god in their mind that loves and accepts them, with their sins and all (no repentance required – so they think).
God will meet you wherever you are, but He will not leave you there. We are to be holy because God is Holy (Leviticus 11:44). God starts sanctifying you once He saves you. Your conscience starts bothering you when you violate God’s Law. The Holy Spirit lives inside you. So if you claim Christ as your Lord and Savior and you continue in your habitual sins, then you need to really question whether you are truly saved. Examine yourself. Are you truly a new creature in Christ? (2 Corinthians 5:17).
Romans 1:24-25 tells us that God gives us up to our lusts when we change the truth of God into a lie. When we make up a god to suit ourselves or when we worship the created instead of the Creator.Romans 1:26-27 states that God gives unclean people over to their own lusts, to their vile affections and these verses specifically mention the sin of homosexuality.
Romans 1:28 says “God gave them over to a reprobate mind.” This is a mind that rejects God. A mind that knows right from wrong, but chooses wrong. A mind that knows the truth of God, but rejects it because they love their sins. A mind that is void of judgment (good judgment). Verse 29 describes what happens next. Reprobate people are filled with unrighteousness, fornication (all sexual sins outside of a biblical marriage), wickedness, covetousness and so on and this verse also mentions murder. We also must stop killing millions of innocent unborn children every year in this country.
Folks, we should have learned our lesson from reading about the Iraelites in the Bible. God puts up with rebellion against Him for a long time out of His great mercy and kindness. But after a while, He turns people over to their own sins. And guess what happens? People who love their sins, just keep sinning more. They keep ramping it up even further until finally, God pronounces judgment on that nation (Jeremiah 25:4-9).
This is very serious America. We are at best being turned over to our own reprobate minds and at worst we are actually under God’s judgment. We are probably somewhere between these two options right now. Even if we are not under God’s judgment today, do not be fooled. It is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment (Hebrews 9:27). We cannot cheat death. We will all die one day and we will all stand before God on Judgment Day. Unbelievers will be judged for their sins and believers will be judged for their rewards.
God is merciful and forgiving, but we must repent. We have to turn away from our sins and put our faith in Jesus Christ (Acts 17:30-31). If you are not a follower of Jesus, please do this today. It’s time to acknowledge that He is on the throne and you need to humbly bend the knee and confess Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. Then you need to repent and believe the Gospel (Mark 1:15). We all need to forsake our sins and worship our Holy Creator.
Im scared im reprobate. Will Jesus save me?
If I thought this, I would read the Bible every day (starting in the New Testament) and I would keep reading and keep crying out for God to save me until He gave me the assurance of salvation. I’m praying for you.