Recommended Sites

The Gideons International - The Gideons International is an Association of Christian business and professional men and their wives dedicated to telling people about Jesus through associating together for service, sharing personal testimony, and by providing Bibles and New Testaments.

Seminole Baptist - Encouraging people to find and follow Jesus.

Way of the Master -  An excellent site for training Christians how to evangelize.

Evolution vs God - Shaking the foundations of faith.

180 Movie - This shocking and award winning documentary will change hearts and lives. Watch it today and share it with others. You can make a difference.

Super Bowl Outreach - How would you like to evangelize at the Super Bowl?  This amazing organization provides evangelism training, then they take you to events leading up to the Super Bowl to witness at and then you evangelize at the Super Bowl.

Rescue The Perishing - Seeking to trust the word of God, Christ Jesus, who saves sinners.

Jeremiah Cry Ministries - All men of every culture are born dead in sin, and enemies of God.

Repent and Turn - We are committed to seeking and saving the lost as well as teaching other Christians how to share their faith in Jesus Christ.

Born of Him - This site is dedicated to the glory of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

Freeway Ministries - Freeway Ministries is an organization committed to living out the Gospel and fulfilling the Great Commission found in Matthew 28. We are committed to using Biblical truths and believe through the reasoning of scriptures, people can and will be set free from any and every addiction; all while glorifying Jesus Christ.

Chapel Library - Christians sometimes feel that “handing out tracts” is awkward and ineffective. It is true that accosting strangers has never been easy for a lot of us and convincing people to take things they didn’t ask for is not always very comfortable, but tracts can be a very effective part of evangelism.

Fellowship Tract League - The Bible gives every Christian the responsibility to take the Gospel to the whole world. God has ordained the local church to carry out His Great Commission. The Fellowship Tract League is a local church ministry of the Fellowship Baptist Church in Lebanon, Ohio. We believe the world can be reached for Christ through the printed page.

Tract Planet - Our mission here at Gospel Tract Planet is simple: To provide Christians with the tools they need to share their faith and the message of the Bible effectively.

One Million Tracts - Welcome to One Million Tracts. We invite you to browse through our store and shop with confidence.

Xpand Christianity - We would like to make available to you free Bibles for those who are searching to know what Christianity is all about, we also can provide you with free literature / tracts to share the message of Christianity.

Answers In Genesis - Answers in Genesis is an apologetics ministry, dedicated to helping Christians defend their faith and proclaim the gospel of Jesus Christ effectively.

Creation Truth Outreach - An eternal, living God created the universe and all of the life that is in it. He is transcendent, meaning He exists outside of the universe–He created it and He is separate from it.

Wretched Radio and TV - Wretched has a three fold mission: preach the Gospel, equip the saints and strengthen the church.

Carla Maclachlan - Carla’s passion is Jesus Christ and this passion is demonstrated in her lifestyle, writing, and teaching.

Raising Godly Children - Desires that this blog will help Godly Parents in their pursuit to train their children up in God’s Word. There are helpful videos, articles, and other materials posted on this blog to assist you.

Fish With Trish - Is an excellent site that will lead you to Christ if you are lost and it is a wonderful evangelism resource for Christians.

Prison Impact Ministries - When you are laying on a cold prison floor after destroying everything one more time? What hope do you have? Nothing is more pitiful than limping through life on a religious crutch. I didn't need a crutch.

Bridges for Youth - The heart of our youth centers and our purpose is to provide unconditional love and acceptance to all kids.

Thank you for taking time to look at these Recommended Sites - Seek and Save the Lost