I Read The Pamphlet You Gave Me
Ministry Update November 5, 2017
On Wednesday I was sharing the Gospel at Missouri State University. I was explaining how foolish it is for students to claim that God does not exist. I was quoting from Romans 1 and John 3. A student came up and said, “I read the pamphlet you gave me.” I replied, “the one about science?” She said yes the science one and that it was really good. The student was talking about Tim Stout’s booklet How God Reveals Himself Through Science that several of us handed out last month. She thanked me for giving her the pamphlet.
When Tim was up here from Texas and handing these out, he told me that he likes to see Christians receive them as much as non-Christians. When he first told me this he kind of surprised me. But then he went on to explain that Christians can learn from it and see how to argue against the false science claims that are so predominate on college campuses. When Tim explained it this way, it made perfect sense. I’ve even had students ask me in the past about Miller’s Experiment, but until I read Tim’s booklet, I really didn’t know anything about it. I thank and praise God for Tim’s ministry.
It Would Be Depressing To Not Believe There Is A God
The student heard what my message was about before she walked up and thanked me for giving her the pamphlet last month. After we talked about that and as she was walking away she pointed out how not believing there is a God would be kind of depressing if this world was all there really is. There’s a lot of pain and misery in this life. I told her Amen. Then I worked that into my message that the young lady is correct, it would be depressing if this is all there is. Atheism offers no hope. Zero. It would be depressing if you had nothing to look forward to and had no hope.
It was a cold, damp day during the lunch hour. One mocker mouthed off something as she and a friend walked by me. The mocker was recording me as she walked by. There was one student that lingered around for a while. She appeared to be listening to the message. Then toward the end a friendly mocker looked over at me and said that I might as well save my breath since there weren’t very many students walking by at the time. I just smiled, thanked him for his comment and kept on preaching.
The majority of students do walk past me just like I’m not even there. But I fully believe the Bible in that faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of God (Romans 10:17). Plus, God’s word does not return void. So, when it looks like they aren’t listening, they can’t unhear what they hear (Isaiah 55:11). God’s truth is still going forth and may God convict and convert lost souls for His honor and glory.
Too Sick To Witness Friday Night
Each week I send out a prayer request to my prayer partners and I always say Lord willing when giving the upcoming schedule. I do this because it is biblical to do so and sometimes my plans get thwarted. For example, last Friday I woke up with vertigo and was sick to my stomach. I missed work and was unable to witness downtown. Unfortunately, Kelly and Conner couldn’t coordinate their schedules either. But Lord willing, we will be back out there next Friday.
(These updates are given to encourage followers of Jesus to share the Gospel with others)
Awesome! I’m encouraged by your story. I pray that this will stir some of my brothers and sisters in Christ Jesus to go out and share the gospel and that a street ministry will form in my church in Port Orchard, WA.
Amen! I pray believers all around the world will go out and share the glorious Gospel. Thanks, Dennis