Queer Atheist
Ministry Update 9/24/17
Yes the name of this update is Queer Atheist. Before you get all bent out of shape and start calling me a bigot or a hater, you need to understand that I’m merely using the exact words the young woman called herself. I met her at MSU last Wednesday and she identified herself as a queer atheist. So is it wrong for me to state the preferred pronoun that she called herself? I don’t think so.
I handed out a few tracts before I brought a message on campus during the lunch hour. When I did get started, a young woman held her hand above her mouth and mouthed off something that I couldn’t hear. I just said “God bless you” to her. One young lady sat on a bench and heard most of the message. Others on the other set of benches came and went.
Gay Atheist
The young man that wanted to say something last week but didn’t, came back this week. He identified himself as a gay atheist. (I’m not sure why so many feel the need to tell me their sexual identity as well as their atheism, but they did this day). Even though he made it clear right off the bat that he was an atheist, he wondered why I didn’t preach more on the love of God. The cross of Jesus very much demonstrates the love of God.
But the young man cracked me up because if he’s such a devout atheist, what does it matter what I say about God? If he really doesn’t believe in God, why does he care what I say about God? I was giving him an analogy about how a drowning man won’t ask for help until he realizes that he’s drowning. He impatiently wanted to know if this is an analogy to which I said “yes it is.” That’s when he told me that there’s nothing I can say to change his mind. I replied that there was nothing that he can say to change my mind so I might as well go back to preaching since he didn’t really want to have a discussion.
Self-Identified As A Queer Atheist
One woman walked in front of me and she smiled and gave me a thumbs up. It was nice to have a little encouragement on a day with so many mockers. The young woman that identified herself as a queer atheist actually recorded quite a bit of the message from several different angles. When I finished up, I walked over and introduced myself to her. That’s when she self-identifed as a queer atheist. (In other words like the young man earlier, she was trying to warn me that she didn’t agree with what I was saying). So I smiled and handed her a tract and suggested that she could contact me through the Seek and Save the Lost website if she ever wanted to talk. I was quite shocked when she took the tract.
Gideon New Testament Distribution
Around 15 of us Gideon’s handed out New Testaments at Missouri State University the day before. I think we gave out around 2,300 New Testaments. This was actually down from the last couple of years, but I think that was part of the reason why. Several students told me that they still had theirs from last year and/or the year before.
I handed them out with TJ and Corey at Trottier Plaza (because that’s where I open-air preach most of the time on campus). Corey handed some out to a group visiting from China. About half of them took a New Testament. When the others realized what was going on, the rest came back and grabbed one too. As they walked away, they all had them open and were looking at them. Praise God! May they get them back into the country without any problems.
Corey also had a young man walk up to him in tears and asked for prayer. Of course Corey prayed for him. His girlfriend had just broken up with him and he was so distraught that he didn’t know what to do. Corey prayed with him and then explained that when we are followers of Jesus that He empowers us to handle anything that comes our way. That nothing can steal our peace and joy in the Lord. May God reach this young man and save him.
Saved During Bible Study
I talked to Jake. He told me that he was a believer right off the bat so I asked him how he came to faith. He said that he grew up Baptist and was saved when he was younger, but it didn’t really take. When he started at MSU, he just basically went to class and back to his room. He had no friends and was depressed. But then he ran into someone that he knew and that person invited him to a Bible study. After studying the Bible for three weeks, Jake realized that he was lost and he was saved. He said that now three years later he’s helping lead a Bible study. Praise God for that.
Then I shared how I also thought I was saved as a child but really wasn’t. When I told him how God convicted me over Matthew 7:21-23, Jake said those are some of the scariest verses in the Bible. To which I said Amen. They scared me!. We had a great visit, talked about Paul Washer videos and at the end I prayed with Jake that God would bless him and continue using him for kingdom work his whole life for God’s honor and glory.
Witnessing At Planned Parenthood On Friday
Then during my lunch break on Friday, Polly and I witnessed at Planned Parenthood. There were a couple of vehicles already there when we got there. Planned Parenthood has frosted their windows and doors since the last time I was there. So I can no longer see the women sitting in the chairs in the lobby.
But I brought a message and an older woman in the passenger seat of the vehicle near the door got out and was listening to the message. After a while three younger women came out and got into the same vehicle. As one young woman walked around the rear of the vehicle, she flipped me off. As they drove off, she started to roll her window down to yell something, but ended up rolling it back up without saying a word.
A couple of other people drove up and went inside. I just kept sharing the Gospel pleading with them to repent and surrender their lives to Jesus. Also kept reminding them that the shedding of innocent blood is an abomination to God. I think there was one or two cars that honked in support of us as they drove by.
Great Ending For The Night And The Week Of Witnessing
Then Friday night Kelly and I witnessed downtown. We both brought messages at the corner of St. Louis and Jefferson. There was a good crowd outside the Gillioz Theater right up the street from us. There were also people at the outside swimming pool at the back of the building directly across the street from us. As well as the usual foot traffic and people driving by with their windows down. We had several mockers Friday night including a woman early on that yelled something sexually perverted as she passed us. Kelly pointed out later that someone must have hurt her in the past for her to be looking for the wrong kind of “love.”
One guy yelled out “God’s not real” as he drove by us. Another woman yelled “I’m a lesbian” to which Kelly replied that Jesus died for her too. That she needs to repent and trust Him. But we had some good encounters too that it made it a great way to end the night and the week of witnessing. One lady yelled “I love Jesus” as she drove by us.
You’re right, it’s really amazing what the Lord will bring your way when you’re out there about his business
God is good.