One, One, Many
Ministry Update January 8, 2017
On Wednesday Aaron and I witnessed at Planned Parenthood. There were several cars there when we got there. One lady leaving the shopping center next door yelled at me while I was bringing a message. She was our one mocker. I really couldn’t hear her very well, but I think she was saying that I was stupid because they don’t perform abortions at Planned Parenthood in Springfield. I told her they do give women the morning after pill and they refer them to St. Louis or Kansas City where abortions are performed. (Planned Parenthood performed abortions in Springfield 25 years ago and they are pushing to start doing them here again. God forbid! May it not be so.).
The angry woman kept yelling at me so I turned my attention to her and said we come there to share the Gospel with the workers so they will quit working for that place. She kept hammering on me so I flat out told her that there’s no way that she’s going to Heaven because a true Christian could not support murdering a child in the womb. She yelled that she most definitely is going to Heaven. About that time she pulled out and flipped me off with her arm out the window. I yelled real Christ-like and pointed the Repent and Believe sign that I was holding toward her.
People are so deceived. I guess it really shouldn’t surprise us when lost people act lost, but it’s really sad when professing Christians don’t see the irony of their claiming they are saved, yet they support evil like abortion and their words and actions don’t match up with their professed faith. I guess their heart is far from the Lord.
One Encourager
Then after Aaron preached against abortion, we sang a couple of hymns. A young man that works in the shopping center next to Planned Parenthood walked over to us, shook our hands and told us that he thinks it takes a lot of courage to preach there and he appreciates us being there. He told us that he has a bumper sticker calling for the end of abortion on his car. It’s always encouraging to receive positive feedback because we usually get more mockers than supporters.
In addition to the one mocker and one supporter, the many were apathetic. The people going in and out of Planned Parenthood were apathetic. The workers inside were apathetic. Most of the drivers going by us were apathetic. But the Gospel went forth and we hope and pray that God will close that place down.
Stop Disrespecting People
Aaron was preaching when a woman walked up to Erica and I on Friday night when the weather was around 8 to 10 degrees (zero with the wind chill) and she got in our faces yelling that we should preach to the rich people at James River Assembly. Erica admitted they probably need preaching (because there are lost souls in most if not all churches). I told the woman that James River has a preacher, that’s why we preach out here on the streets. She said that we should stop disrespecting people and go preach the rich. She said she lives downtown and that we should leave poor people alone. I told her that the Gospel isn’t just for the rich, that everyone needs the Gospel. Then she got hung up about my coat, that I should give it to a homeless person.
Before I got there, three law enforcement officials were questioning a drunk guy across the street. Aaron said they guy was stumbling drunk and fell down behind a car. The police questioned him for a long time and eventually they took him away in handcuffs. But other than the crazy lady and the drunk guy, it was pretty quiet overall. Erica handed out several tracts. We sang a few hymns and handed out one package for a homeless man. He was the only one we saw that night. Hopefully the rest were at the Salvation Army or somewhere else to get warm. Did I mention it was really cold Friday night?
(These updates are given to encourage Christians to share their faith in Jesus Christ with others.)
As to the lady who yelled at you at Planned Parenthood, you have to make the connection for them. What we called “deductive reasoning” in the olden days, is a lost art. The overall intelligence of the general public has reached a new low. Could be meth, could be alcohol, or could be that this part of MO (I grew up here) never was too smart to being with.
Thanks Robert. She wasn’t listening. I tried to share truth with her, but she wasn’t receiving it. I hope you are doing well brother