Not A Sheep Of Society
Ministry Update October 13, 2019
“Are you a follower of Jesus? Do you hear His voice? Jesus said My Sheep hear My voice? Are you one of His sheep?” I asked these questions at Missouri State University on Wednesday. A young lady answered, “Yes, I’m not a sheep of society.” I said Amen to her being a follower of Jesus, but told her that I didn’t want her to be a sheep of society. I’m pleading for students to be sheep of Jesus. Again, Jesus said that His sheep hear His voice. I thought the student’s response was kind of strange, but that’s what she said.
Before and after open-air preaching, I handed out Gospel tracts. About half the students took tracts while the other half didn’t. Did notice that all of the students that said no, actually said “No thank You” except for one student. Sadly, politely saying no to the Gospel will be no defense on Judgment Day. One girl even gave me a thumbs down when I tried to hand her a tract, but even she then said “No thank you”.
I offered a tract to a older couple walking by. She took one, then asked what it was. I told her a Gospel tract. The man said “God bless you” Then she told me that they are believers and she tried to hand the tract back to me. So I asked, “Do you know anyone you could give it to?” She thought for a second or two, then replied, “Yes” and kept the tract.
Only Mockers From Two Cars
Friday night was the first time it’s been down in the low 40’s while witnessing. Surprisingly, there were people milling around downtown. Several people were heading to the Mystery Hour at the Gillioz Theatre. Handed out a few New Testaments and then brought a message. One driver mouthed off as he drove through the intersection. Later a quad-cab truck was facing me as I was saying that we all serve someone or something.
I was pleading with people to serve Jesus, but also acknowledging that some people serve the devil. As the truck drove by, it sounded like everyone in the vehicle were yelling, “I serve Satan” or “I serve the devil”. Afterwards, I walked around downtown and handed out New Testaments. I only brought 20 with me and praise God, all of them were handed out, including one to a police officer.
(These updates are given to encourage Christians to share the Gospel, through handing out Gospel tracts, New Testaments, sharing your testimony or the open-proclamation of the Gospel. The apostle Paul said by all means save some (1 Corinthians 9:22). Salvation is of the Lord and we are called to share the Gospel with others.)
I pray for all your Christian endeavors, for safety and success.
Thank you and God bless.