Night Full Of Mockers
Ministry Update October 1, 2017
Friday night it was a real blessing to have Jeff join Kelly and I downtown. Actually Jeff got there before we did and people were already stirred up right off the bat. It was a night full of mockers. Jeff got into a conversation early on with an angry atheist riding a motorcycle. When I got to our spot (actually Jeff found a really good spot across the street from where we normally go) Jeff was already preaching and people were already mocking. It really was a night full of mockers from beginning to end.
This Friday night was so different from last Friday when Kelly and I met Aria and Cody and we all prayed together. It truly was a blessed night. This Friday was a blessing witnessing with Kelly and Jeff, but it was much different crowd. When I first walked up and introduced myself to Jeff, he had a mocker drive back by for the second time. They acted like they were going to stop and talk which Jeff was encouraging them to do, so he asked me to start preaching. I did, but unfortunately, they didn’t stop after all. Just the typical drive by mockers.
I’m Calling The Police
Right after I started with the message a professing Christian came over from the Sky Eleven apartment building. He handed me a piece of paper stating that I’m breaking the city ordinance by using an amplifier. I told the gentleman that I’m using a 25 watt amplifier and that it doesn’t break the city ordinance (which itself violates three separate Supreme Court rulings that favor amplification). The man said that he’s calling the police and that he will every time we are preaching. (I wasn’t too worried because the police have driven by every Friday night that we’ve been at this spot and they even came by twice Friday night and didn’t say anything to us).
The saddest part was that the man claimed that he and his wife are Christian, but complain how we witness. They say it isn’t how you share Jesus with others. So I asked him how he shares Jesus with others? He didn’t answer. I asked him five or six times and he never answered.
I can only guess here, but he probably didn’t reply because even though he thinks our method is wrong, he has no method. He thinks his not sharing Jesus is better than our open-air preaching. Obviously, I disagree with him. This is what compels us to do street ministry. So many people think they are saved when they are not. If you walk up to me and want to talk about Jesus, I’ll talk to you as long as you want. There’s nothing I’d rather talk about than my Lord and Savior. Too many professing Christians don’t talk about Jesus.
Shut Up, Nobody Is Listening
While I was open-air preaching, here are some of the comments I heard and things that happened: “Shut up, nobody is listening.” “I’m an atheist.” One mocker said some incoherent things and then took a selfie in front of me. Right after that Kelly was preaching and a young man walked by also mumbling some incoherent things about God, Jesus and Allah. Kelly had to laugh at his mixed up rambling theology. I called for the young man to repent.
Kelly also had a young woman flash the satanic horns symbol as she drove by. The cycle peddling party vehicle came by and a guy yelled “I do not need a sermon.” Kelly aptly pointed out that he does need a sermon. Then right after Kelly talked about 1 Corinthians 6:9-10, a lesbian yelled out of the vehicle window that she’s a lesbian. It’s too bad she didn’t drive by earlier, but Kelly also shared with her what he had just stated. Kelly also had a hallelujah mocker that walked across the street. Then Jeff preached again and he had a walk away mocker. Another one said welcome to high school. Jeff had to admit that he didn’t even know what he meant by that (Kelly and I didn’t either). Then Jeff received one last hail Satan.
Even though it was a night full of mockers, we handed out a few tracts and Jeff and I got to talk to Brad who is a new believer. Brad said he used to be a drug addict. He’s been cleaned up for several years, but just came to faith in Christ four months ago. It was a joy talking to him.
I asked him how he came to faith and he gladly told us about it. Folks, this is how it should be. If you are truly saved, you should want to tell others about Jesus (and not be like the professing Christian earlier in the night). Jeff pointed out that Brad also had a real peace about him and he did. So even with a night full of mockers, it was great talking to this new believer. Also, there were two young men listening to Jeff as he preached at the end as well as one guy across the street that was waiting on a ride also heard most of his last message.
Are You Still Seeing Results?
On Wednesday it was lightly raining while I was at MSU. Most students just walked by with apathy even though I was talking about the gay atheist from the week before complaining that I didn’t preach enough about God’s love. Why did he care what I said if he really doesn’t believe in God? But one student came up to me and said, “Are you still seeing results?” Since I have talked to her in the past and she kept on walking after she asked the question I just said “yes.” I said that because of the encouragement Aria gave us last week. God allowing me to be part of His kingdom work is successful. A lot of people want to quantify street witnessing. It’s not about numbers, it’s about obedience. About obeying God. The results are up to Him. Salvation is of the Lord.
With that said, Pastor Tim Stout handed out his booklets that refute chemical evolution at Missouri University of Science and Technology in Rolla on Tuesday with Jeremy and they witnessed to a young man at Subway after witnessing on campus for hours and the young man put his faith in Christ. Yes, God still uses street evangelism to bring people into the kingdom. Tim and Jeremy handed out over 800 booklets on a campus with 8,800 students. That’s a wonderful participation ratio. May God convict and convert many lost souls.
Chemical Evolution Cannot Create Life
On Monday, Pastor Tim, Joe, Darlene, Jerry and I handed out these booklets of Pastor Tim’s at Missouri State University. Pastor Tim has a science and engineering background and he’s written a booklet called How God Reveals Himself Through Science. It’s a wonder resource that uses data from abiogenesis experiments and from their own research, Tim proves that chemical evolution cannot create life. Tim, Joe and Darlene were there in the morning and Jerry and I joined them around lunch time, but overall 1,400 booklets were passed out.
Christians Need To Dispute Atheists
Tim was able to talk to several students who are believers. He likes doing this because it’s very important for student Christians to refute evolution and direct people back to God. He offered it to one student who said he didn’t need it because he was already a Christian. Tim explained that he needed it to dispute with atheists and the student took one.
There was a group of four young women that walked by Jerry. The first one refused a booklet, but the other three took one. As they headed toward me I didn’t say a word but stuck my arm out toward the lead girl. She just smiled and took it because she realized that all of her friends had taken one except her.
From A No To A Yes
Early on Jerry figured out that if we made eye contact and spoke to people when they were about six feet away, they were more likely to take a booklet. I tried his theory out and it seemed to work. Toward the end of my time there at MSU I saw a guy walking toward me with ear buds in.
So when he was about six feet away, I held my arm out, he saw it and shook his head no. Even though he said no, I just left my arm extended out and when he got right beside me, he took one ear bud out and said what is it? I told him that it proves chemical evolution could not produce life. He shrugged his shoulders, said ok and took it. May God bless Pastor Tim and his ministry. May God open the eyes of students around the country that evolution is a lie and that non-life cannot produce life. If you’d like more information about Pastor Tim’s ministry, please go to:
True Gospel and False Gospels
It was a real blessing to hand out the booklets with Tim. The four of us from Crossway Baptist Church were glad to help Pastor Tim. I’m really glad we were there because the Jehovah’s Witnesses had a couple of people with a stand to the East and and the backside of the student center. The local unity church had a man and woman in front of the student union giving free hugs. Free hugs without the Gospel is just making people feel good while on the way to Hell. May the true Gospel shine forth among all the false gospels.
(These updates are given to encourage Christians to share the glorious Gospel. If you aren’t telling others about Jesus, what’s keeping you from doing so? What’s keeping you from starting today?)
Good work in being an active witness for Christ, Dennis. Keep up the good work in the Lord. Here are some encouraging verses when being persecuted for being a witness:
Matthew 5: 10-12 says, “Blessed are those who have been persecuted for the sake of righteousness, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. “Blessed are you when people insult you and persecute you, and falsely say all kinds of evil against you because of Me. Rejoice and be glad, for your reward in heaven is great; for in the same way they persecuted the prophets who were before you.”
In John 15:12 says, Jesus says, “Remember the word that I said to you, ‘A slave is not greater than his master.’ If they persecuted Me, they will also persecute you; if they kept My word, they will keep yours also.
I Peter 4:14 says, “If you are insulted for the name of Christ, you are blessed, because the Spirit of glory and of God rests upon you.”
Thanks for the encouraging verses brother. May God bless you and your outreaches.
“The saddest part was that the man claimed that he and his wife are Christian, but complain how we witness. They say it isn’t how you share Jesus with others. So I asked him how he shares Jesus with others? He didn’t answer. I asked him five or six times and he never answered.”
“I can only guess here, but he probably didn’t reply because even though he thinks our method is wrong, he has no method.”
It’s elementary, my dear Watson. You do what a Baptist preacher did years ago, you grow your own flock by acting like Jesus, inviting people to church, and conducting your church’s business in such a way that the Methodists and Presbyterians are telling your members that they would go to the Baptist church if they weren’t of another denomination. You also serve the community, you do not stand out there and brag about how many women you slept with before you did your second trip down the aisle. I could make a comment about where you probably picked up these women, but that would be too crass.
‘Let us be very aware, we are living in a time of ‘the rules have been changed’. We are living in an age of confusion and wide spread deception at many levels. I firmly believe in a different approach as far as God is concerned. From here I have profound spiritual faith, by the grace of God! We should strive on the spiritual principles of brotherly love…society in this age, need help in coping with the restless world we live in, as lives are struggling with everyday issues. We need to show love and helping each other…make no mistake, the answers to all things are found…Within Ones Own Self…has this not been told of by the Divine Word. Born again is a profound enlightenment, many know not of. Being saved is a man made imaginary illusion that many use in their own deception. We must learn how to channel our personal love of Christ in a helping hand of brotherly love.”………..’Praise God’………’I Am You…You Are I’
The answer is not found within ones own self. You are just espousing new age spiritualism. The answer is found in Christ alone. Being saved is biblical. Jesus came to save his people from their sins. Salvation is of the Lord. Without repentance, there is no salvation. Repent and believe the Gospel. Surrender your life to Jesus. Stop looking within and start looking to Jesus Christ the living Lord.