Mohammed Ali And The True God
Ministry Update February 11, 2018
Polly and I witnessed downtown Friday night. While I was open-air preaching, Mohammed Ali walked up and stood between us. Polly smiled at him and he started asking her questions. Mohammed Ali is from the Middle East. He asked her questions about her faith and the Trinity and she answered him. Then he wanted to know why I was open-air preaching. She suggested that he stick around because she was sure that I was about to finish up. Polly was right about that and I had the opportunity to talk to Mohammed Ali about the true God.
When I first started talking to the young man, I asked him his name. When he said Mohammed Ali, I said like the boxer and put my fists up in the air? He laughed and said, yes, like the boxer. I told him that I don’t know a lot about Islam, but asked him if he thinks Jesus was a Prophet and he said yes. I pointed out that Jesus said that He is the Son of God and He called God His Father. Then I asked him if Muhammad said that Allah has no sons and he agreed that’s true. So I said, we have a difference right off the bat.
One God Or Three Gods?
He seemed very sincere and wanted to know about the Trinity. I told him the Bible says Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God is one Lord (Deuteronomy 6:4). Our God is one God who reveals Himself as God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. God is not three separate Gods. We talked about Genesis 1:1 and John 1:1. After that I clearly shared the Gospel with him in how we’ve all sinned and Jesus is the only one who ever perfectly kept God’s Law and how Jesus suffered and died on the cross for guilty sinners who repent and trust Him.
We talked a little more and then I reminded him that our religions are not the same. I asked about the Bible and he said that he is familiar with the Old Testament, but not the New Testament. Then I asked him if he’d take a New Testament if I gave him one and he said that he would. I also had a Living Waters DVD – The Atheist Delusion. I told him that I realize he does believe in Allah, but that I wanted to give him a DVD that was geared toward atheists. The DVD clearly presents the Gospel and that way he could see what I believe. He graciously took it too.
Was Jesus A Prophet Or A Liar?
Then he asked me if I had a card with my phone number and I gladly gave him a Seek and Save the Lost Gospel tract that has my phone number and email address on it. Then I asked him if he believes that Jesus was born of the virgin Mary. He does. I asked him if he believes Jesus performed miracles and he does believe that.
Then I pointed out again that Islam says Allah has no sons and Jesus claims to be the Son of God. So if Jesus is truly a Prophet, then this is true. If Jesus says that He is the Son of God and God really has no sons, then that would make Jesus a liar and no prophet at all. I told Mohammed Ali that I believe Jesus. I believe what He says and that He is truly the Son of God. So Christianity is true or Islam is true, but they can’t both be true.
May The True God Reveal Himself
After that I said, “I want to know the truth, don’t you?” He said yes he does. So I suggested that we both pray to our God and may the true God reveal Himself to the other one. Mohammed Ali liked this idea. I asked him if I could put my hand on his shoulder and pray for him right there and he agreed. I did pray and continue to pray that God will reveal Himself to Mohammed Ali and that God will save him. That the Lord will grant him repentance and faith in Jesus Christ.
Since the young man allowed me to pray with him, I was fully ready to have him pray for me. But he smiled and said that he would pray later to Allah in Arabic. I was fine with that. Then I shared the story of Elijah and the 450 prophets of Baal and how Elijah challenged them and the Lord answered his prayer (1 Kings 18:20-40). I do hope and pray that God will answer this prayer and save Mohammed Ali.
My Servant Quinn
I had two encouagers at Missouri State University when I witnessed there on Wednesday. Quinn the skateboarding atheist showed up and read Green Eggs And Ham again this week. But just like the Bible says God used My servant Nebuchadnezzar, this week God used My servant Quinn. The young man mocking God by repeating Sam I Am caused maybe eight or 10 students to stop and record part of the interaction. Others paid attention when they walked by to see what the commotion was about. My servant Quinn. Thank You Lord! Every time the students share the videos, they will be sharing the Gospel.
But like a pack of dogs, Quinn’s mocking also emboldened some mockers. Emily who usually just waves when she walks by, joined in on the mocking. She waved like usual, I said “Hi Emily.” But as she walked by and heard Quinn mocking God, she yelled back “I’m going to burn in Hell.” So I yelled “Oh Emily, I thought you were past that” (meaning the mocking part). Later on an older gentleman walked by and repeated “hypocrite” three times as he walked in front of me. I just said “God bless you sir, have a good day.”
Why Mock A Myth?
As I finished up the message, Quinn told me that he doesn’t have a class during the noon hour this semester. I thanked him in front of other students for proving God is real. He kept insisting God isn’t real, but I told him he wouldn’t spend his time mocking a myth. His hatred toward the God he says doesn’t exist and his mocking of God that he says isn’t real, actually proves God is real. I said “Why would you mock a myth?” “Why would you waste your time?”
As I walked back toward my car, he skated a block or so with me. He kept calling me Tom. I said why are you calling me Tom? He replied that he doesn’t know my name. I told him my name is Dennis and that I respect him enough to remember his name. He told me that he doesn’t respect me and that no one there at campus believes my myth. Quinn also told me that I’m brainwashed. I told him that its not a matter of whether the students believe me or not. I’m obeying Jesus and my conscience will be clear on Judgment Day concerning MSU students.
God Is A Lie
About half a block away he said “I respect you Tom and I love you man.” He was being so sarcastic that he stared laughing before he could even spit all the words out. Then he said God is a lie to which I sarcastically thanked him and said “Now I can quit wasting my time coming over to the campus to witness. That evidently was all I needed was to be told this so I could just quit.” Even Quinn had to laugh at that.
Quinn told me that he looks forward to Wednesdays. Well Quinn, I have news for you. I also look forward to Wednesdays and how God is going to use “My servant Quinn” to help further the Gospel. Hecklers make others pay attention to the preaching of the Gospel who might otherwise walk on by without noticing. Thank you, Quinn, for serving the great God of Heaven and earth; the very God that you say doesn’t exist.
(These updates are given to encourage Christians to share their faith in Jesus with others)
Good share Dennis
Thanks Karen. May God be glorified.
Dennis, I loved the one I read when you guys went to the Super Bowl, but this one takes the cake lol. You are in your element when you are open air preaching. God bless you Dennis for obeying God and using your gift to further His Kingdom.
Thanks Chris and thank you for sharing the Gospel the way you do (and Karen too). God compels us in different ways, but He wants us to share the Gospel with others. Thanks again.