Sometimes in life, being close isn’t that big of deal. I remember in school that some teachers graded on a curve. You can be close to the stake in horseshoes and still win, if the other person doesn’t get a ringer. When the military drops bombs near a target, sometimes they can do enough damage just by being close to the target that they still obtain their objective.
But other times in life; being close just doesn’t cut it. Even if you miss by a whisker, you still miss the mark. Being close just doesn’t get the job done. In other words, sometimes we are missing just one thing. For example, if you are baking a dish and you miss an ingredient, the whole meal can taste awful. Or you can have all the parts to your car, but if you are missing one wheel, it doesn’t do you any good. You can’t drive anywhere with only three wheels. Missing one thing in these cases are extremely detrimental.
In Mark 10:17-22 we find the story of the rich young ruler. He was financially well off. He was successful. By human standards, the man lacked nothing. He even said that he had kept the 10 Commandments from the time he was a youngster (thereby admitting that he had sinned when younger, but he now thought that he was a pretty good person. Doesn’t that sound like us? Most of us think that we are good, by our own standards). Notice how Jesus corrects him right off the bat. The man thought he was good, but Jesus tells him that only God is good.
The young man wanted to know what he could do to get to Heaven. Maybe he thought he could earn his way to Heaven (which we can’t – Ephesians 2:8-9). Or maybe he thought he could buy his way into Heaven. Doesn’t work either. For sure he was trusting in the wrong thing. He was trusting in his wealth. He wasn’t trusting God for his provisions. But his riches did him no good. He walked away sad. He came to Jesus seeking eternal life, but instead of receiving salvation, he went away rejecting the very thing that he said he was seeking. He was afraid of what he would have to give up. He thought the cost was too high.
So the rich young ruler knew that he was missing something in his life, in spite of all his riches. He was seeking eternal salvation, but he walked away still clinging to his wealth. He was holding on to the wrong thing. He was only missing one thing. He was missing surrendering his life fully and completely to Jesus Christ our Lord. But oh what an important thing to miss! If you miss Jesus, you miss the mark completely. There is no other way of salvation (Acts 4:12). Jesus said I am the way, the truth and the life, no man comes to the Father, but by me (John 14:6). Don’t miss the mark. Don’t miss this one thing.
The rich young ruler loved his wealth more than he loved God. What is your sin of choice? What do you love so much that you are not willing to give it up and surrender your life to Jesus? Is it drugs? Alcohol? Fornication? Adultery? Pornography? Pride? Arrogance? Power? Wealth? Status? Work? What sin do you love so much that you are willing to die in that sin and spend eternity in Hell for it? Is any sin really worth that? Is it really worth the penalty of eternal damnation for a little temporary pleasure?
Nothing could ever be worse for you than to die in your sins and miss eternal salvation. Being born again, being saved, is the most important thing that can happen to you in this life. Missing this is huge. You wouldn’t cook chicken a la king and leave the chicken out. You wouldn’t leave the engine out of your vehicle. Why would you continue in your sins and forsake Jesus; knowing that doing so would mean separation from Him for all of eternity?
Don’t miss out on the abundant life now. No, I’m not talking about the false gospel of health, wealth and prosperity. Jesus offers the abundant life now for those who forsake their sins, who turn away from their sins and put their trust in Him (John 10:10). The abundant life Jesus is taking about is a life that includes Him! When God soundly saves you, then you are born again. He sends you the Holy Spirit. That’s how you have life more abundantly. Don’t continue missing out. Don’t continue missing that one thing, the One thing, Jesus Christ our Lord. Repent and believe the Gospel. Do this today.
Don’t foolishly continue on the broad road to destruction (Matthew 7:13-14). Don’t miss out on eternal life. Don’t suffer eternal damnation for your sins (Revelation 20:15). Turn away from your sins and put your faith in Jesus. When God grants you faith and repentance, then you change the direction that you were going. You turn away from your sins and turn toward God. He changes your heart. God gives you His desires. Come to Jesus. Earnestly, tenderly, Jesus is calling, calling, O sinner, come home! For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved (Romans 10:13).