Man Standing By Light Pole And Had Several Mockers
The one parking lot was full again Friday night and the other one near the witnessing spot was empty, just like last week. But this week there was a man standing by the light pole and I had several mockers. The man by the light pole listened to part of the message before moving on. I’m not sure why he stopped by the pole, but he did. I had a couple of mockers that walked by, but they weren’t very good mockers. I couldn’t hear what they said. The message was about whether you know that you are a sinner or not. Evidently, they didn’t like the question. Also had one car load of mockers drive by while I was pleading with people to repent and put their trust in Jesus.
Handing Out Tracts
There seemed to be a few more people walking around this time and there was definitely more cars driving by. I handed out tracts before bringing the message and handed out more tracts afterward. I also handed out tracts when I walked down to the square and back. When I was at the square, I noticed a group of people with cameras and asked them what the deal was with all the cameras and one guy told me they are part of a photography group. Some of them took tracts while others rejected them. About half way back to my normal witnessing spot, a driver stopped in the street and yelled, “Sir”. I turned to look, expecting someone to ask for directions or something, but I was pleasantly surprised to see my friend Dave. He smiled real big and said “Hi Dennis” and I said Hi back to him. Then he said “God bless you” as he and his wife drove off. It was great seeing someone that I know. All in all, it was a good night witnessing.
(These updates are provided to encourage Christians to share the Gospel with others. If you are unsure of what to say, hand a Gospel tract to someone and simply ask, “Did you get one of these?”)