Light Night Loaded With Open-Air Preachers
Ministry Update October 22, 2017
Friday night was a light night loaded with open-air preachers. It was a cool night and the crowd was light, but it was great having Kelly, Steven, Conner and Brian come out witnessing. Even though the crowd was light, we had both some encouragers as well as mockers. Plus, we had a good time visiting with each other when we weren’t bringing messages.
Steven wanted to go first, so he started us off with reading Proverbs 23. It was a great chapter to read, especially since there are a few bars within a block of where we minister on Friday nights. As Steven was reading the Bible, a lesbian couple and their friend walked in front of us. I tried to hand the lesbians a tract, but they refused and one woman said, “I don’t want your Jesus card.” Then they promptly stopped right in front of Steven and kissed each other. I really wish gays and lesbians would realize the shock value is gone; we actually expect them to kiss. We’d be more surprised if they didn’t stop and kiss in front of us. But at least their friend took a tract.
Kelly went next and he preached about sinning against God, especially sexual sins such as homosexuality. I brought a message after Kelly. One guy mocked out of a large group of young men that walked by. Then Conner preached after me. He talked about Matthew 7:23. Conner talked about people trying to find happiness in something other than God. After Conner, Brian got up and shared the Gospel and reasoned with atheists. A few students from Evangel University (we think they were from Evangel) stopped across the street and listened to his message. Along with another guy across the street that was standing near the Sky Eleven Apartments.
Clanging Cymbal and Too Harsh
Also while Brian was preaching, a guy named Doug walked up to me and wanted to talk about without love, we are just a clanging cymbal, so how do we put that into to the way we do ministry? He accused us of being harsh. So I turned toward Brian (who is one of the most mild mannered open-air preachers that you will ever meet) and said, “So you think he sounds harsh?” Doug quickly back peddled and said no, but he’s seen other open-air preachers downtown that are harsh. I said that may be, but it is not our goal to be harsh.
Prior to this, when Doug asked me about this type of ministry, a young girl just happened to be crossing the street right in front of us. So I said if she got hit by a car right now and died as an unbeliever, where would she go? He didn’t want to answer so I said she’d go to Hell wouldn’t she and he nodded his head yes. Then I said if I saw a car coming her way and she was about to get hit, the most loving thing I could do would be to reach over and grab her and pull her to safety. This is what we are doing. People are lost and on the road to Hell. We are trying to grab them from danger and pull them back to safety.
Do You Have A Lighter?
After Brian finished up, I brought another short message about who is Jesus Christ to you. While I was preaching, the Evangel students came over and talked to Brian. I also noticed a guy a block South of us at the next corner stopped and listened to most of the message. Then a couple walked by me and the woman flipped us off. After I finished up, I invited people to come over and talk to us, ask us questions, receive a Bible or ask for prayer. As soon as I was done a guy walking up from behind us said he had a question and something to the effect how long did we have to answer questions. I told him that we have plenty of time.
But he really was just looking for a lighter. Instead of borrowing a lighter, he received a Gospel tract instead. The young man’s name is Joshua and he stuck around and asked a few questions. I asked him if he goes to church and he said that he’s Catholic. He appeared to have consumed a lot of alcohol, so I asked him if I didn’t already believe in Jesus, how could I be saved? He proceeded to say some strange things about believing in a higher power and that was basically all I needed.
Little Green Martian
So I said suppose I believe in a little green Martian as a higher power would that work? Surprisingly he thought it would. Then I asked him what about Jesus saying that He was the way, the truth and the life, that there was no other way to God (John 14:6). He really didn’t know what to say about that. Next I asked him if he has a Bible and he said he does. When asked if he reads it, he replied that he does.
So I asked him about 1 Corinthians 6:9-10 where Paul says no drunkard shall enter into the kingdom of God. He responded about people needing to drink the blood of Jesus and that he’s seen people drink too much and that it was basically alright since it was the blood of Jesus. I can only assume that he was referring to drinking wine for communion. Next I told Joshua that I don’t drink, so if I walked into one of the bars up the street and drank 12 beers, I’d probably pass out before I drank all 12. If I drank until I passed out, would I be drunk?
He admitted that I would be. So again, I asked him about 1 Corinthians 6:9-10. Surprisingly, he asked in a strange way, but he wanted to know where we go to church. Brian told him that we both go to Crossway Baptist Church. Joshua wanted to know where it’s located. He was trying to put information into his phone when Brian whipped out a Crossway Invite card. Joshua gladly received it and said that he liked what we were saying, that we were telling him the truth. He sounded like he might come to our church. We hope and pray that he does.
Tell Me What Is Your Gospel?
On Wednesday, Brian and I witnessed at Missouri State University. I got there first, so I brought the first message. As I was preaching, the gay atheist rode by on his skateboard wiggling his fingers at me as he rolled past, like he was putting some kind of hex on me. I had to laugh at that. Then Brian went after me and he told the students that we were there to share the Gospel with them.
He told them that they may not believe the Gospel, so he asked them a great question. Brian said you may not believe the Gospel that we are sharing, so tell me what your Gospel is. He also pointed out that they believe in something. They are following something. I thought it was great question and may have to use this down the road. You reject Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior, so tell me what is your gospel? While Brian was bringing his message, I handed out several tracts. One girl rejected the tract and said that she doesn’t believe in God. I didn’t say anything to her, but I thought, that’s ok, God doesn’t believe in your unbelief. I’m still praying about it, but this could be a potential message: God Doesn’t Believe In Your Not Believing In Him. Or something to that effect.
(These updates are provided to encourage Christians to share the Gospel with this lost and dying world. Redeem the time. Our days are short. Share the Gospel with someone today)
Amen brother, keep preaching!
Thanks brother. You too.