Ministry Update November 1, 2015
While I was open-air preaching at MSU on October 28, 2015 a student walked right in front of me and she was talking on her phone. I guess whoever she was talking to wanted to know what was going on because I heard her say “it’s just the crazy preacher.” Just the crazy preacher. I’m ok with being called the crazy preacher. Why? For the preaching of the cross is to them that perish foolishness; but unto us which are saved it is the power of God (1 Corinthians 1:18). I’m ok with being called the crazy preacher because I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ: for it is the power of God unto salvation to every one that believeth; to the Jew first, and also to the Greek (Romans 1:16).
I’m alright with being called the crazy preacher because: How then shall they call on him in whom they have not believed? and how shall they believe in him of whom they have not heard? and how shall they hear without a preacher? (Romans 10:14). It doesn’t bother me to be called the crazy preacher because: Hearken; Behold, there went out a sower to sow (Mark 4:3). Jesus commanded us to go out into all the world and preach the Gospel to every creature (Mark 16:15). We are to sow the seeds – share the glorious Gospel with this lost and dying world. Some seed will fall on the hard path, some on rocky soil, some with the thorns and some in good soil. We are called to sow the seed and God gives the increase. God uses the proclamation of the Gospel for His honor and glory.
After my message another crazy preacher preached the Gospel that day at MSU – Aaron Brummitt. While Aaron preached the Gospel, while he begged and pleaded with students to get right with God, while he pleaded with them to turn from their sins and turn to Jesus, an Asian man stood in front of him and listened to most of his message. Every time we preach the Gospel we hope and pray that God will save souls. We pray for conversations. We pray that God will convict people through the Gospel tracts that are handed out. We plead with God to save sinners and we plead with sinners to get right with God. But salvation is of the Lord. We can’t force anyone to Jesus. We can’t control the outcome. All we can do is be obedient and preach God’s word because how can they hear without a preacher?
On Friday night I witnessed downtown with Aaron along with several others from his church. It was a rainy night, but we sang hymns and read some Bible verses. Our friend Conner joined us singing hymns and one of the highlights of the night was when a Chinese MSU student joined us singing hymns along with his parents who were visiting from China.
I handed a tract to one young man and he encouraged us to continue witnessing. Erica, Diana and Aaron also handed out tracts. The strangest thing that happened was while Aaron was reading a chapter of God’s word, two young women walked by and one of them lifted up her skirt and showed her underwear and yelled something. Aaron wasn’t preaching hard, he was reading the Bible! You don’t think unrepentant sinners don’t hate God and His words of truth?
Vinton and Conner are read to go too.
The guys in front are looking that the tracts that they were just handed.
Then on Saturday I joined Greg, Vinton, Doug, Brian and Conner witnessing in the rain before the MSU football game. Doug handed out tracts. He tried to hand one to a transgender, but the man turned around and said “no and get away from me.” Doug said ok and told him to have a nice day. A police officer witnessed the exchange and she came by later and told Doug not to worry about because the police get calls about the guy all the time. The best part to me was that the officer called the transgender person a guy – because that’s what he is, no matter how much he wants or tries to be a woman.
Conner and I took turns preaching the Gospel. I think we each had just one heckler. Some people tailgating didn’t like where Conner set up originally, so he just went across the street. I brought another short message right toward the end and evidently a friend of mine drove by. I didn’t see who it was but she rolled down the window and yelled out “get ‘em Dennis.” I had to laugh.
Greg, Brian and Vinton witnessed where the tents were set up and in spite of the loud music, they were able to get into several conversations. Greg talked to a group of six or seven students who were standing near their tent, drinking. He mainly talked to Anthony who professed to be a Christian. Later on Anthony came back up to Brian and thanked them for being out there. Brian shared his testimony with Anthony and then in turn he shared his testimony with Brian. Our hope and prayer is that God will save Anthony if he isnt’ truly saved and if he is, that God will convict him and encourage him to share his faith in Jesus with others.
Greg also witnessed to a young worker who was on a ladder near the bleachers. I wasn’t told this young man’s name, but he admitted that he isn’t saved. It’s always encouraging when someone will admit that they are lost. The majority of people think that they are good so they think that God will accept them, just like they are. Even some atheists have told me this. That even if they are wrong, God will let them into Heaven after they die because they try to be good to others. So anytime someone admits that they are a sinner, it’s very encouraging to me. May God convict and convert this young man and may the Lord bless the tracts that were handed out, bless the Gospel that was proclaimed and may He bless the one to one conversations that took place. May God give the increase to the seeds that were planted, all for His honor and glory.
On Wednesday the young lady called me “the crazy preacher.” Then on Friday night I joined my crazy friend Aaron and several others from his church, singing hymns in the rain on the square in downtown Springfield, MO. On Saturday I was blessed to join five other crazy evangelists witnessing at MSU before the football game, again in the rain. I’m blessed to know many crazy evangelists around the country and a few others around the rest of the world who do street witnessing and/or have abortion mill ministries. None of us are ashamed to be called crazy for our Lord because we are crazy about Him. We are grateful that Jesus suffered, bled and died for our sins. We are grateful that God saved us out His great mercy, grace and love. We love God because He first loved us and we are not afraid to look crazy to the world in order to proclaim the glorious name of Jesus. Are you crazy for Jesus? Do you share your faith in Christ with others?
Sure wish I could be with you…what a joy to my heart to hear The Word..
Continue preaching The Word…The Mega Churches say they do…yet they also preach “their books” ..But I don’t see any Blood on their Books.. Yet I Only see Blood on The Book in (66 Books) Heaven with the Blood of Jesus ….