Jesus Never Said That
Ministry Update July 3, 2022
Friday night was such a blessing. Praise God, there were 11 of us out witnessing Friday night. Trevor, Elly, their two girls, Joshua, Tyail, Chase and his wife Myeisha (and their baby), Reed, Matthew and myself. There was open-air preaching, conversations and tracts handed out as well as great fellowship. But the thing that stood out the most to me were the things that were said, including the woman who yelled, “Jesus never said that.”
Trevor, Joshua, Reed and I were standing on one corner when the pedal pub (trolley) peddled past us. Trevor spoke up to the people at the pedal bar, “Repent of your sins, turn to Christ and you will be saved.” As they peddled around the corner a woman yelled back, “Jesus never said that.” So I yelled back, “Yes He did. Jesus said unless you repent, you will all likewise perish. That’s Luke 13:3.” I encouraged her to read the Bible for herself so she’ll know what it really says. They were moving away from us or I would have also added the very first message Jesus preached was repent and believe the Gospel (Mark 1:14-15).
I Will Never Find Jesus
Before this, I tried to hand a tract to a guy and he shook his head no and said, “I will never find Jesus.” It was a very sad comment. But he kept walking, so I couldn’t really talk to him. I just replied that unfortunately that means that Hell awaits him. He just shrugged his shoulders and kept walking. If people really understood how horrible Hell really is, they would not be so nonchalant about it. Then later a man and woman refused a tract and he just shook his head no. When they walked back by, Joshua tried to hand a tract to him, but he shook his head no again and put his fingers in the shape of an X and held his fingers near the tracts Joshua was holding.

Matthew In Long Conversation With The Guy That Flipped Me Off. Trevor’s Youngest Daughter Handing Out Tracts While Trevor And Joshua Stand Nearby Matthew. Tyail Holding Her Jesus Sign.
Before all of us got to the witnessing spot, Chase got into a conversation with an atheist. She took a tract and they talked for quite a while. I think he got her to understand that she really doesn’t know right from wrong without taking it from a Christian world view. While I was bringing a message, a guy stopped across the street, flipped me off and yelled something. I just kept on with the message. But Matthew was nearby and he got into a conversation with the guy and they talked for 20 or 30 minutes. Reed also got into a long conversation with a different guy. Trevor and Chase also brought messages. One driver slowed down and encouraged Elly as she was handing out tracts. All in all, it was a good night and may God bless the conversations, the messages and the tracts that were handed out.

Trevor and Matthew And Trevors Youngest Daughter Handing Out Tracts and Tyail Holding Her Jesus Sign
(These updates are provided to encourage Christians to share their faith in our Lord Jesus with this lost and dying world)