Jesus Forgave Everybody?
Ministry Update October 26, 2019
“Isn’t it supposed to be about love?” asked the student while I was open-air preaching at MSU on Wednesday. He continued, “So why are you preaching hate and disobedience and everything? Why are you liking that stance of hate over love because Jesus forgave everybody?” So I replied, “Is everybody forgiven?” Then he nodded toward the Bible in my hand and said, “Isn’t that what it says?”
“No, Jesus said unless you repent, you will all likewise perish. That’s why I come over here (to the campus). People have a misperception about this. Jesus died for those who repent and trust Him. People all the time say God is all love. No, He is a God of love and a God of wrath.” The young man then replied, “I think you are the one that has the misperception.” I replied, “Look up Luke 13:3 – unless you repent young man, you will perish. Look it up for yourself. Don’t die in your sins and be separated from the love of God for all eternity.”
The young man walked away and made a peace sign as he walked on so I continued open-air preaching. Repent and believe the Gospel; it’s the first message that Jesus preached when He started his earthly ministry. Why does Jesus call us to repent if everyone is saved? That would make no sense. But the Lord did call us to repent. Acts 17:30 says that God command everyone to repent. So when you don’t repent and trust Jesus, you are continuing to sin against God. You are continuing in your rebellion against Him.
Love And Wrath
God is love and He is also a God of wrath. God poured His wrath over sin out upon His own sinless Son as Jesus hung on the cross. If Jesus is not your Lord and Savior, then God’s wrath still abides upon you. Come to Jesus and be saved. Repent and trust Him. Everybody is not forgiven. If Jesus is not your Lord and Savior, then He will be your judge on the great and terrible day of the Lord. Without the Lord Jesus, you are already guilty. Judgment Day is not a trial court date. No, it is a day of sentencing. Those who die as unbelievers will be cast into the lake of fire and brimstone where they suffer in torments for all eternity.
You Never Learn Do You?
After this, the polite mocker stopped and said, “You never learn, do you?” So I asked him, “Have you repented and put your faith in Jesus?” His reply, “You never learn, do you?” Again, I repeated, “Have you repented and put your trust in Jesus?” “What does that matter?” he retorted. “It’s the most important thing.” After that he just kept repeating that I never learn. I pleaded with him to not continue on the broad road to Hell; to repent and surrender his life to Jesus.
As he walked away, I pleaded with students within earshot to not be like this man. Don’t continue hardening your heart against God until your heart is reprobated. Then I pointed out that Pharaoh hardened his heart and then God hardened Pharaoh’s heart. John the Baptist preached many times to King Herod, but Jesus answered him not a word when Herod questioned the Lord. Later on I was telling my precious wife about this encounter and she said, “Maybe you should be more like Jesus.” In other words, I need to ignore the polite mocker. Jesus did that to Herod, so this sounds like good advice.
Well, Pretty Good
A friend asked for some help Friday night, so I told him I would help. I only handed out a New Testament or two and then brought a short message. Had one mocker, but I couldn’t’ hear what he mouthed. Then I explained there is none righteous, no not one. Only God is good. People think they are good, but they are not. A young man was walking his dog right in front of me when he looked up and said “well, pretty good.” So he wouldn’t say that he’s a good person, just a pretty good one.
At that point I was about to ask the good person questions, so I asked them while the young man could hear. How many lies have you told? Have you ever lusted, coveted or stolen anything? Have you ever committed adultery or had sexual relations outside of biblical marriage? I pointed out that we have all sinned and fallen short of God’s glory. On Judgment Day, God is not going to compare you to the worst of the worst. No, He’s going to compare you to the best of the best and that’s Jesus Christ. The Lord never sinned; He was perfect. None of us are perfect and we don’t even come close. That’s why we need to repent and surrender our lives to Jesus.
(These updates are provided to encourage Christians to share the Gospel with others)
Great work. Keep on telling others the truth. I will do so as well…
God bless.