I Will Own It Like A Boss!
Ministry Update September 29, 2019
The week before, I witnessed at MU with some friends in Columbia, MO and we had some really obnoxious mockers. So frankly, I was looking forward to witnessing at my usual spot at MSU this week. Yes, I typically have mockers, but not as bad as at MU. Well the students and a worker were wound up this week. I was trying to get the students to see that we have all sinned against God and that Jesus is the only Savior, so I quoted the 10 Commandments. Right after that, I said, “What will you do with your sins on Judgment Day?” A student was already mocking as he walked by, acting like he was kicking dirt at me and other gestures and loudly said, “I will own it like a boss!”
I will own it like a boss! Oh, this student will own up to his sins on Judgment Day, but he will not own his sins like a boss on the great and terrible day of the Lord. If he does not repent and surrender his life to Jesus, then he will be cast into the lake of fire and brimstone after he confesses Jesus is Lord on that day. It’s no laughing matter and it’s no joke. This young man has absolutely no idea what terror, pain and suffering awaits him, if he dies in his sins. He won’t be owning anything on Judgment Day. Instead, he will cry like a baby, if he dies as an unrepentant sinner.
Can I Ask You A Question?
There were other vocal mockers that day too, but I can’t remember what they said. One student nonchalantly walked by me and as he got right beside me, he tried to knock my hat off. I realized what he was doing and immediately caught it with my left hand. Then the polite mocker walked up and before he could say “Can I ask you a question”, I said, “Can I ask you a question?” He ignored me and asked his usual question. So I said, “I asked you first. You are always mocking God, so why do you want to spend eternity with God and Jesus. Wouldn’t that be like Hell to you, since you don’t acknowledge them in this life?’
He wanted to know if the Bible said that Heaven would be like Hell to him. Please keep in mind that this is the same guy who told me a couple of weeks ago that he “used to be a Christian”, but isn’t one anymore. He no longer believes, but claims he once did. Because he one believed in Jesus, he thinks that is all it takes to go to Heaven; even though he doesn’t believe in Jesus today. We talked briefly and then I told him that believing in Jesus is a continual believing and warned him that if he dies in his unbelief, then he will go to Hell when he dies.
You Can’t Say I’m Going To Hell
The polite mocker then went berserk. He started yelling, “You can’t say I’m going to Hell, that’s your opinion.” I said, “No, by your own words and by what the Bible says, you are going to Hell.” “Jesus said unless you repent, you will perish” (Luke 13:3). He that believes on the son has everlasting life, but he that believes not, shall perish (John 3:36). I then even quoted him John 3:16; those who do not believe, will perish.
The polite mocker said, “You can’t say that. That’s just your opinion. This is a free speech zone, but you can’t say that I’m going to Hell. That’s just your opinion. I’m going to report you.” I’m not proud of this because I did not handle the situation in a Christ-like manner, but I replied, “Go ahead and report me. Then crawl back to your safe zone. I expect that kind of nonsense from the students, but you are a grown man.”
Again, I’m only sharing this because it’s what happened, but I shouldn’t have gotten in the flesh and mocked the mocker like that. A couple of students joined the mocker and one of them yelled to me “Your birthday is in November.” It was such a dumb statement, there really wasn’t anything to say to him. After I finished the message, I walked back to my car, handing out a few Gospel tracts. About a block from my car, a campus security officer stopped me and asked if I was at Trottier Plaza preaching and I said I just came from there.
He wanted to know if I got into it with a student. I told him no, it was actually a worker that got upset. The security officer seemed surprised. Evidently the polite mocker acted like he was a student when he called to complain. I then explained the encounter and told him that I had the whole thing recorded if anyone wanted to listen to it. He seemed satisfied with my answer and that was it. May God convict the polite mocker and unbelieving students that they are headed for Hell, unless they repent and believe the Gospel.
No One Wants To Hear That ____!
Friday night I witnessed downtown and the message was No One Wants To Hear You. I love how God provides mockers that prove His truth. I was bringing this message and had several mockers. But one woman yelled as she drove by “No one wants to hear that s____! That was actually the point of the message, God sent prophets proclaiming truth in the Old Testament and the Israelites didn’t want to listen. But sent His messengers anyway. The Jewish leaders and some of the Jewish people didn’t want to hear Jesus when He spoke truth, but Jesus spoke the truth anyway. People wanting to hear or not hear is not the criteria. God still sends people out today to proclaim truth, whether people listen or not.
Will Burn The Bible
After the message, I walked around downtown handing out New Testaments. Most people that took one just said thanks and that was about it. I tried to hand one to a woman on the square and she refused. Then she tried to get me to sign a petition for something. I told her no thank you, but she kept pestering me, asking question after question. Finally, I told her that I’m for smaller government not bigger.
She then told me to never bring a Bible near her again or she will burn it. Ran into a family that said they had plenty of Bibles. The dad asked where I go to church and I told him Crossway Baptist Church. He said that’s their church too. One guy told me that his parents are also Gideons so he didn’t need one. Another guy told me that he had worn his New Testament out, so he gratefully took one.
(These updates are given to encourage Christians to share their faith in Jesus with others. We never know how people are going to react, but salvation is of the Lord. We are just called to share the Gospel with this lost and dying world. The results are up to God.)
Him, “No one wants to hear it”…”I will own it like a boss”….
Sounds like Sodom and Gomorrah.
God bless you brother.
Thanks Brother.